Phily Fold Up
From Bicycle Retailer:Philadelphia to host first US Brompton folding-bike events
The first-ever U.S. Brompton Urban Challenge will be hosted by the City of Brotherly Love May 31. Brompton owners’ orienteering skills will be put to the test as they make their way to secret destinations and Philadelphia landmarks.
Lapping the Competition
From Sport Techie: 3 Running Shoes That Are Lapping the Competition with Tech
You don’t have to be a runner to know that the right pair of shoes can make the difference between feet that feel like they could perform during halftime alongside the Dallas Cowboy’s Cheerleaders and feet that couldn’t even manage a post-game power walk to get Tony Romo’s autograph. Shoe companies and athletes alike are constantly pursuing the next technological advancement that will take their products and performances to a higher level.
Sprint Ahead
From Runner’s World: Three Benefits of Running Short Intervals
Ryan Vail isn’t looking for shortcuts. The old-school mileage hog racked up 150-mile weeks en route to finishing last year’s New York City Marathon as top American (2:13:23). But mixed in with mile repeats and long runs of up to 27 miles was a surprising ingredient: short intervals.