It’s easy to set up a cycle computer on your bike so you can determine how many miles you go each ride, and even to get a total for the bike. Running shoes, it’s not always so easy. Even worse, it’s difficult to tell when your shoes need to be replaced. A new device, the MilestonePod, aims to solve those problems, and more.
The MilestonePod is a capsule that laces into our shoe. The device tracks how many miles you’ve put on your shoes, which helps indicate when those shoes have seen enough miles and you should run not walk to the runner shop. Well maybe if your shoes are really worn you should walk to the shop to get a replacement before incurring injury.
The capsule has a digital display that reads how many miles the shoe has traveled. The device is a USB drive, and can do a little more than count the miles. You can input health information – including any allergies or other data for emergency workers should it come to that.
MilestonePod is currently raising funds on Indiegogo, with almost a month left to reach goal. While you can be generous and donate $1, the MilestonePod isn’t that expensive. Get one with a pledge of $15, or go for a package that includes a second MilestonePod or tech shirt for just a few dollars more. The Indiegogo campaign runs through the end of January.