It’s necessary to drink water during workouts. But new research shows that cold water is more effective at helping exercisers keep up the momentum during workouts. Findings in two studies say that cold water helps keep core body temperature down longer, which allows athletes to push harder during workouts.
Thermos sponsored one study: “The effect of cold hydration during an exercise session combining both strength and energy systems development training on core temperature and markers of performance,” which was conducted by Athletes’ Performance and published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2012. A second study “Effect of drink temperature on core temperature and endurance cycling performance in warm humid conditions” published in Sports Sci 2010 supports the same findings.
To get better workouts, and longer workouts, it is advised to drink cold water throughout your exercise time. An insulated bottle helps keep water cold. Thermos is one of many manufacturers that offer several insulated bottles.