Memorial Day is just around the corner, which for most, signals the arrival of summer. For those of you who do not like to cook outside throughout the winter months, it is time to dust off those grills and get them fired up. It is so easy to throw a pack of hotdogs or burgers on the grill, but a quick read of the wrapper might make you rethink your meal of choice. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good burger and dog, just not for every cookout.
There are plenty of healthy grilling choices when you want to get outside to enjoy the weather and family while cooking. Chicken, skewers, veggies, and lean steak just to name a few; but have you ever thought of grilling a pizza? Here is a fairly new product that takes your existing Weber kettle grill and turns it quickly into a pizza oven!
The KettlePizza is the brainchild of inventor Al Contarino, who in 2010, teamed up with George Peters to bring Al’s design to market – all from Al‘s barn. In 2011, after receiving a great response for their product, the two had to move KettlePizza into a manufacturing and distribution center in Groveland, Massachusetts. That’s right, just like the Weber kettle grill that it is designed to work with, the KettlePizza is made in America!
The beauty of the KettlePizza is the simplicity of the design. Take the lid off of an existing Weber kettle grill, light the grill according to their instructions, place the KettlePizza on the kettle grill base, put the kettle grill top on, and get cooking. With the KettlePizza installed, according to their research, the temperature stays within a 100-degree window instead of fluctuating as much as 300-degrees without the insert. Maintaining this temperature range helps ensure more consist results and ultimately a better pizza.

But is pizza really a healthy choice? Sure! Making pizza at home allows you to control the ingredients that you put into each one. There are countless websites, EatingWell and CookingLight just to name a couple, filled with healthy recipes, and even if these recipes call for oven cooking, a little trial and error should allow for good results. The same ingredients can be used, it is the temperature and cooking time that may need to be adjusted. Most ovens can only achieve a temperature of approximately 500-degrees, whereas the KettlePizza teamed up with the Weber kettle grill can easily exceed 700-degrees. Once a few pizzas are grilled and closely monitored, you’ll learn how to adjust a recipe to your setup if required.
One other side effect of grilling pizza is the involvement of others. Instead of one cook hovering over the grill, you can pre-make the dough and cut up all of the ingredients for your guests. Then when the time comes to cook, they can choose from many different topping options and can grill the pizza to their liking.
The KettlePizza is available directly through their website or a number of different authorized retailers. Depending on the size of your Weber kettle grill, the KettlePizza starts at $129.95 with the most inclusive kit costing $269.99. Since the KettlePizza design is size dependent, the purchase of a Weber kettle grill should be made first to ensure a proper fit.
If enjoying the great outdoors with your family and friends often centers around the grill, tossing homemade pizza into the mix might just be the perfect topping for a great summer day!