The Olympic Games don’t begin for over a week and already there is much controversy – not on the fields of competition but rather on what is covering the athletes. In the United States some lawmakers are upset that the attire to be worn by the U.S. Olympic Team was made in China.
Then there are the swim suits that will be worn in the pool – and could be a replay of the now-banned 2008 LZR Racer skinsuits. Likewise the golf ball inspired track suits are getting much attention.
In the future however, the playing field could be leveled as all athletes will merely receive a spray-on uniform. This sounds like something out of science fiction, but engineers are reportedly working on a “spray chambers” that will create a spray on material, while 3D printing – as we noted – could allow for shoes to be made just in time for the event.
So while competitors in London will have to settle for actually changing, in Rio or future competitions the attire might be sprayed on – at least in the summer games, as we’d think winter competitors would require a whole lot of spray just to stay warm!
[Via NationalPost: Olympians of the future could be wearing spray-on clothing and printable shoes]