Optrix, the maker of the HD Sport rugged mount and case for iPhone and iPod Touch devices, is showing off its new VideoPro app at CES 2012 this week. Designed for use with an iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and video-capable iPod Touch to shoot high-definition action videos, the app displays and records info such as lap time, GPS tracking, speed, and g-force, all without using add-on accessories. The app, which was developed with the team behind Harry’s Lap Timer, can be downloaded now from the iTunes App Store for $9.99

“The most exciting parts of most videos, how fast you’re going, how hard you hit or how far you leaned, are all lost with normal recording systems. For the first time ever, our app brings real time sports telemetry without having to purchase thousands of dollars of equipment,” said Optrix founder John Willenborg.
While the app complements Optrix’s HD Sport weatherproof case and mount, it can be used without the HD Sport.