The use of wood in the construction of bike components is as old as the ‘safety bicycle’ or what we know of as the modern frame layout. Throughout the years, wood has been pushed aside by chromoly, aluminum, titanium, carbon fiber and even bamboo as a preferred component material, but it is not completely gone. Wood is actually starting to reappear in the bicycle industry, though mostly by small component manufacturers looking for a unique niche in the sea of carbon fiber and modern materials. Paul Sykes of Portland, Oregon is one such individual who is bringing wood back to bicycles with his component company, Sykes Wood Fenders.

As the name implies, the main component that Sykes Wood Fenders manufacturers are laminated, epoxy wood fenders. From cherry to douglas fir and even the more popular grass, bamboo, Paul crafts each set of fenders to order. The fenders do need to be individually ordered through the Sykes Wood Fenders website, but this helps ensure that the fenders will fit the intended bike. There are sizing guidelines listed to help buyers determine the correct dimensions to provide. The diameter sizes range from 16-inch all the way up to 29ers and the widths range from 28mm to 50mm. After the size is determined, the fender flap style and wood selection needs to be made. If the fender dimensions fall within these ‘standards’, the set will run $150. If the fenders are outside those specifications, the price will be adjusted accordingly. For example, a set of fenders for a Surly Pugsley will cost $250 or adding inlays like polka-dots will raise the standard price to $200.
As with most bicycle fenders on the market, the Sykes Wood Fenders requires that the bike frame have eyelets for mounting. If the frame does not have eyelets, do not fear. For $15 a pair, the Sykes Wooden Eyelets can be attached to the frame using Nylon zip-ties. As that name also implies, they are also made of wood to match the fenders.
Along with manufacturing fenders from virgin wood and grass, Sykes Wood Fenders is also going to soon be making fenders from used skateboards (closely matching the sunglasses in our post Sunglasses From Skateboards for those looking to be coordinated with their bike). The details are still being worked out, but as Paul told KineticShift, “The skateboard fenders are definitely going to be part of my line. I still have to work out some details, but expect to see more of those soon.”

Do you want the option of coordinating other components on your bike with the wooden fenders that you picked or do you just want to add a wood touch to your bike? Sykes Wood Fenders also manufactures wooden and bamboo water bottle cages. For $65 each, the Sykes Wood Bottle Cages are available in the same color choices as the fenders to allow proper bicycle color coordination.
Sykes Wood Fenders is a small operation offering a very niche product. Those obsessed with carbon fiber or titanium need not apply. But if nature’s original fiber, wood, appeals to your style, a set of Sykes Wood Fenders may be in your future.