Tape Up Those Aches

Olympic athlete Paulo Villar tapes his muscles to get through the hurdles.

Working through aches and pains has gone way beyond the ace bandage. Kinesio Tex Tape Gold, a black and brightly colored tape that almost looks like an abstract tattoo, is often seen on Olympic and pro sport athletes. Kinesio Tex Tape Gold is latex free elastic therapeutic tape developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase ofer 35 years ago in Japan. The tape is applied over muscle sprains, tendon pulls and other maladies that might sideline a runner or athlete.

We spotted the black, hot pink and turquoise blue tape on many riders during the Tour de France, which is set to conclude in Paris on Sunday. BMC rider Cadel Evans managed to stay in the race after breaking his elbow through the use of the Kinesio tape. The current world champion cyclist twittered “This #TdF I’ve too much about ‘second skin’ & ‘kinesio tape’ …..it’s holding me together :o(” A rider from HTC Columbia has an artful application on his knee that mimics his muscle structure in his thigh attaching to the knee.

The tape is generally applied in the direction of muscles or tendons and creates a lifting effect to improve circulation and relieve pain. It can be used to both relax or stimulate muscles, depending on its application. This goes beyond wrapping an ace bandage around a body part. Kinesio offers training and certification, as well as DVD demonstrations to learn proper application to get benefits from the tape. You can pick it up at some sporting good stores, but to get real relief find someone authorized to tape you, which will last up to three days.

Kineseo Tex Tape Gold

2 thoughts on “Tape Up Those Aches”

  1. Do you guys have a Facebook fan page? I tried to locate it on your site but could not find it. I would really like to become a fan as I feel that this kinesiology is the way forward in getting us all feeling good!

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