Stroll(er) Your Way Back to Shape

For new mothers it can be a struggle to get back into shape after giving birth, but the makers of Strollometer suggest strolling could be a way to do it. The company has introduced a new device that syncs with any buggy or stroller, and it tracks speed, time and distance. This wireless mini-computer  is the brain child of Adi Weber and her husband Dan, who came up with the idea after the birth of their third child. Not knowing how far the strolls were, Adi and Dan conceived the idea of a wireless device, modeled on cycling and other fitness computers, that could calculate distance and time while taking the baby for a stroll.

It features eight different settings to allow users to monitor how fast they’re strolling, as well as maximum and average speeds and of course total distance. This data can be translated into calories burned as well. Just remember there is a baby in the stroller so no need to make this into a hardcore workout. Additionally, the Strollometer offers a clock – which might not sound like much, but this way users don’t have to reach into a bag for a phone or watch. And it even includes a temperature gage, so those doing the stroller can know whether a baby might need to be covered up.

The company also offers tips on getting started, provides buggy fitness tips and even offers a guide to getting up to 1.5 run as well as 5k training. In other words, it isn’t just about the stroll.

Strollometer Official Website

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