Specialized Revamps Prevail Helmet

First seen on the heads of riders in the Tour de France over the summer, Specialized’s new Prevail helmet is more adjustable, has larger vent holes, adds protection and sheds a few ounces over previous helmets. What more could you ask for in safety and protection? Specialized probably should have given the helmet a new name instead of continuing with the Prevail model since it has so many new features.

At 185 grams, you may forget you have on a helmet. And when you look at it, it looks as if there there are almost more airholes than helmet. The structure of the Prevail looks deceivingly thin. The helmet brags 29 air vents including three exhaust ports in the rear. Now, that thin structure. The Styrofoam framework is built around a core Kevlar matrix. This makes the helmet stronger without adding weight.Another revolutionary implementation is the fitting adjustments. A ratchet dial tightens and loosens the helmet to customize the fit. This eliminates the need for placing padding throughout the helmet after you take the helmet home, and futzing with settings. You put the helmet on your head and turn the dial until it fits and doesn’t float too much on your head. Additionally, the straps are fitted with one nylon strip that can be adjusted for a tighter or looser fit on the fly. You don’t need to ask a friend to adjust the helmet while you try it on.

At over $200, the 2011 Prevail helmet is pricey. But it is a serious helmet capable of racing. The Prevail recorded 182g of drag, which is among the lower range of helmets tested. On those long hot rides next summer you’ll thank yourself for splurging to protect your head as this one lets a lot of airflow through the helmet.

Specialized S-Works Prevail
Price: $235

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