While you can take your GPS suited for the car on the trail, there are a few distinguishing features of the Magellan eXplorist Outdoor Handheld range. The eXplorist 510, 610 and 710 are made to get in the dirt or even a little bit of surf. The smaller screen, a 3-inch color touch screen, and form factor is about the size of a cell phone. Compared to the size generally used in cars with a larger screen, the palm-size is much more suited for outdoor activity. Each unit has a 3.2 megapixel camera with auto-focus. You’ll probably still want to bring a camera with higher megapixel capability, but the eXplorist series works well to geotag and post photos so you can show off the view of the summit you climbed or the white water you traversed. The three models range from $349 to $549 and include a 30 day free premium membership to geocaching.com.