Some days everybody drags. You begin to wonder how you continue to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving? Will a spring in your heel help propel you through those days and even offer more health benefits? Gravity Defyer thinks so, and is willing to let you try for 30 days or your money back.
Gravity Defyer shoes come in several varieties including running and dress shoe styles. The shoe addresses the 80 percent of Americans who use a heel striking gate to walk and run. It’s built with VersoShock Trampoline Shock, an absorbing membrane heel. It also has twin stabilizers, that’s two springs that compress and expand with each step. The VersoShock benefits include less fatigue, performance enhancing, cell cleansing super workout, ease joint pain and pressure on your spine and says users can “have a more active lifestyle.”
These aren’t the only shoes on the market making health claims. Nike recently called out its competitors for making claims of toning while you walk. Will a spring add benefits to the shoe? Will it help you on your feet? Springs can be highly uncomfortable if you feel them poking through on a bed. Imagine how a spring might feel concentrated in your heel after a day on your feet? Just because the spring is powering your stride, doesn’t mean it’s relieving any pain in your body. It’s still a new company, and a new technology, but it seems like it could have imbalanced results.
Gravity Defyer official web page