Over the past month we rode, we drank, we tested. We tried out many water bottles and wrote up the findings. Here is a recap of Brian O’Connor’s hands on tests of this year’s water bottles:
Nalgene ATB Bottle with Black Closure
The 32 oz version didn’t fit many cages, but the wide neck opening of the bottles made dropping in an ice cube no problem at all. Read the full review.
Specialized Purist
No bad taste, just pure water with this bottle, which mostly rinses clean. Read the full review.
BioGreen ProX
Want to use the same water bottle in a century? Most of the time you can, as the bottles aren’t so biodegradable – but the BioGreenX is made from 20 percent post industrial recycled plastic and should biodegrade in just two years. Read the full review.
Hydrapak Gel-Bot
Like a burst of energy with some gels? The Hydrapak can supply water and gel from one bottle. Read the full review.
Polar Insulated Bottle
On a hot summer ride nothing is better than a cool drink. Too bad most bottles let the liquid heat up to a temperature resembling bath water. Not the Polar Insulated Bottle. Read the full review.
Clean Bottle
Getting a bottle clean can sometimes be no easy task. Wouldn’t be easier if both the top and bottom came off? Oh wait, with the Clean Bottle they do! Read the full review.
CamelBak Podium Bottles
Ready to make a dash for the finish line. The CamelBak Podium Bottle might just have you on the podium. Read the full review.
Nalgene Bottles
Are you tired of the same old bottles? If so consider the variety offered by the Nalgene Bottles that are made from Tritan plastic. Read the full review.