This week Vista, California based Electra Bicycles was awarded US Patent #7740262 for its revolutionary flat foot technology bicycle design. This forward-pedaling design was developed in 2003, and has been featured on several Electra bike models including the Townie, Cruiser and Amsterdam collection. This unique design allows riders to place their feet flat on the ground while still sitting in the saddle.
This technology was accomplished by something rather simple; so simple in fact that it is one of those things that we ask why no one thought of it before. Basically by moving the crank forward of the set tube, thus is created a forward pedaling ride position that is comfortable and stable. The result allows riders to sit in an upright position in the saddle with proper leg extension for pedaling. This should also help reduce tension in the back, neck, shoulders, arms and wrists.
“Around the year 2000 most bike companies were simply repurposing their common mountain bike frames with higher reaching handlebars and suspension seat posts and calling them comfort bikes. We were not impressed and knew this wasn’t satisfying all the needs of casual everyday riders. We took out a blank piece of paper, ignored the sacred bicycle frame rules and designed a new type of bike with improved comfort and control,” says Benno Baenziger, Electra Co-founder/Inventor of Flat Foot Technology. “The Townie showcases our technology in its purest form. We then enhanced cruiser and Dutch city bikes with the essence of the technology to improve the ride and create an Electra point of difference.”
Electra has introduced several lines of bikes that utilize this technology, including its popular Amsterdam collection, which was inspired on the hearty Dutch bicycles that seem to endure all conditions.