Remember how Anakin Skywalker was all melted and eventually become Darth Vadar with that black suit. That has nothing to do with these shoes exactly, but it is hard not to think of that scene when we read about the ForceShoes and see that these are basically high-tech sandals.
In truth the shoes, which were developed by researchers at the University of Twente’s MIRA research institute in the Netherlands are designed to measure precise force and movements when someone walks. These were develoed as a means of facilitating the rehabilitation process from people who have suffered a stroke or had degrees of paralysis on one side of the body. As those patients have often had to learn to walk again, it can be a difficult experience and these shoes can analyze how said patient walks or what forces are exerted to the ground.
Wireless connections transmission data gathered from four sensors modules located throughout the shoe’s soles, and each of these measures the force and movement. While these aren’t commercially available, we hope that these will help patients in the very near future. May the force be with these shoes!
[Via ForceShoes enable extremely precise tracking of how their wearer walks]