TRX Offers Sponsorship for Fitness Goals

It’s still time of New Year’s resolutions to get fit or any other number of goals. Fitness Anywhere is offering a sponsorship program through its TRX Suspension bands. The goal is to pick a compelling training goal, create and submit a video to TRX’s YouTube page, and get the most views to win cash and training to support your goal. The intro video, “TRX Get with the Movement” shows people with goals from winning an iron man to simply running more or fitting into a bikini before swim season. There’s no goal too trivial if it gets you in better shape.

TRX is a suspension training system. It’s got straps that hook into the ceiling, door jam or other sturdy structure, and leverages your body weight to create exercise. The TRX straps boasts users have the ability to perform hundreds of exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility and prevent injuries. It is a resistance program that has a lot of possibilities, provided you have somewhere to hang your straps.

To enter for consideration to get sponsorship from TRX there are a few steps. Make a 30-second video describing your training goal for 2011 and how TRX will help you achieve the goal. Upload your video to YouTube. Promote your video entry via Facebook, Twitter and any other social or personal networking you can leverage to get more page views. The contest runs from the start of the year to April 30, 2011. Ten winners will be chosen through the course of the contest. Five winners will be selected in February, and five more in April.

The prize includes a $1,000 sponsorship to be applied towards event entry costs, travel, lodging and gear. The prize also includes a TRX Suspension Training Pro Pack; a FLIP camera for the winner to share his goal progress and TRX training; and a customized TRX training program. Good Luck!

TRX Training System

TRX YouTube Page

TRX Sponsors You details

The Material Girl Starts Hard Candy Fitness

Madonna is the face behind a new global fitness club, Hard Candy. You know she goes to the gym. You want your arm muscles to look like hers. Now you can work to achieve those arms, abs and other muscle groups in these new clubs. The first one is set to open in Mexico City in the exclusive Bosques de las Lomas area at the end of November. An additional 10 locations are planned to open in Russia, Brazil, Argentina and throughout Europe and Asia.

Hard Candy Fitness plans to offer innovative training methods in private, group and dynamic formats including classes such as Zumba, Latin Moves and Cardio Kickboxing. Each gym will feature a bike studio, mind and body studio featuring “The Great Wall” where members can practice BarWorks, sculpting, Capoeira and new trends in yoga. For strength and circuit workouts there will be cardiovascular equipment with personal viewing screens and more than 60 pieces of strength training equipment at each location such as free weights, PreCor, Hoist, Free Motion, Nautilus, Hammer Strength, StarTrac, AbCoaster and TRX suspension training. Expect also to find a healthy alternative juice bar or cafĂ© to replenish post-workout. We do have to wonder if there will be any Pilates classes or equipment since Madonna was one of many celebrities that caught on that trend back in the day.

The locker rooms are reported to be seen to be believed with fine materials that make the place you change and store your close a sanctuary.

It’s a shame that the new chain of clubs hasn’t named any U.S. cities for planned locations. They will no doubt feature the newest exercises and equipment. Hard Candy Fitness, however, will likely be among the more pricy of health club memberships.