KISS…“Keep It Simple, Stupid!” This is the acronym for a principle to remind designers and engineers to avoid unnecessary complexity. Sometimes I feel that certain manufacturers miss this concept and make their products overly complicated. I was reminded of this recently while trying to program a cycling computer…I was so frustrated by the unclear layout and logic of programming that I nearly chucked it out the window. StemCAPtain has a product out there that reminds me all of the time of the ‘KISS’ concept. It is simple, yet provides information at a glance with not fuss once it is setup properly.
For the past couple of months, I has been using the thermometer version of the StemCAPtain on three different bikes. If you are not familiar with their products, we did an entry on the company back in March of all of the different versions of their products under that they offer. We received both the clock and thermometer versions to evaluate a few weeks later. I was most interested in the thermometer version since the none of my cycling computers have a thermometer feature. Continue reading Hands on: StemCAPtain Thermometer