Microsoft is taking video game motion controls to a new level with their new accessory for the Xbox 360 called Kinect. Kinect will allow you to be able to play video games hands free. While the Nintendo Wii Fit definitely revolutionized fitness gaming, it had some drawbacks. Having to hold controllers or be limited by the balance board was definitely a drawback for a true workout. Kinect will change all of that because it will be truly free of any hindrances. It will allow you to workout in the privacy of your own home, but also get the real-time one-on-one feedback on how well you are doing the exercises, just like you would get from a personal trainer.
Here are the Kinect fitness games
that will be available during the Kinect launch or shortly thereafter:
Your Shape: Fitness Evolution is a game that will be available on the Kinect release date. Your Shape will be able to give you a full body scan, and get your measurements in order to keep track of progress in your arms, legs, midsection, etc. It will also provide you with a trainer who will be able to take you through daily workouts. To not always be training hardcore, Your Shape also has mini-games that are fitness-focused, to allow you to have fun and get a good workout at the same time.
EA Sports Active 2.0 will be coming out a few weeks after the Kinect launch. The original EA Sports Active for the Wii defined what fitness gaming should be. This sequel takes exercise gaming to a whole new level. It will feature a wireless heart rate monitor that you’ll be able to wear on your arm, and you’ll be able to get the result on the screen, so you can always keep your heart rate in the optimal range for fat loss. As with all Kinect titles, it will truly be a controller (and distraction) free workout.
The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout is coming out around the same time as Kinect. You will be able to be trainer by Bob and Jillian, giving you a solid workout just as if you were at the ranch. It features nutrition and health tips to help you to lead an overall better lifestyle. You’ll also be able to change up the workouts, and add some fun while working out by competing in various challenges as seen on the TV show.