This winter will end; at least we think it will. Spring actually sprung last week at least officially, and much of the country should see warmer weather this week. Thats good news, unless you happen to play hockey. While there are always indoor rinks and arenas, there is another option, namely Endless Ice.
This company has many products to keep players on the ice year round, including advanced training systems and even home based models. This also a real bonus for teams such as the El Paso Rhinos, who used the system to train for the Western State Hockey League Championship series, where the weather isn’t always agreeable for hockey – and rarely outdoors. The system works much like a treadmill, but with a synthetic surface that replaces traditional ice. In addition to just skating in place, a computer analyzes the player’s form and technique and provides feedback to help optimize performance on real ice.
Endless Ice is currently used throughout the United States, in the Czech Republic and Germany, and even throughout Canada, where winter is even more endless than in parts of America. But the technology is there so players can get in the skate training even if they can’t hit the ice.
Endless Ice Official Website