We received a press release this week for the National Bike Summit 2011, and our first thought was, “wow, look at all the corporate and group logos.” There were quite a few and this included League of American Bicyclists, Bikes Belong Coalition, Planet Bike, National Bicycle Dealers Association, International Mountain Bicycling Association, Safe Routes: National Center for Safe Routes to School, Alliance for Biking & Walking, Saris Cycling Group, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Interbike, AAA, My Bike Law, Cycling Mobility, FTA, Bicycle Times, Toue de Cure, Dero Bike Racks, CycleSafe Secure Bicycle Parking, Adventure Cycling, Toole Design Group, Washington Area Bicyclist Association, Rails to Trails Conservancy, QBP, Cat Eye, RBA, The National Center for Bicycling and Walking, Alta Planning & Design and Polar.
What does this really mean? To us, it actually means that the future should be looking very good for those who like to ride bikes. There is always power in numbers, and the coming together of so many cycling groups, companies that make cycling products and even a few groups like AAA in the mix that the power for pedaling should be in full gear.
We’ll be sure to report on the latest news from the National Bike Summit when it takes place in March.