What happened to the days when baseball was more than just being about the money? We aren’t talking about the billionaire owners or millionaire players – we’re talking about the cost of Little League, which today apparently costs big dollars.
The New York Times last week reported that the cost for parents is anything but little – and it gives new meaning to the concept of “pay to play.” So what are we talking? As noted by the Times: “If you have not outfitted a little slugger lately, prepare for sticker shock. The youth baseball circular for one major retailer advertises bats in the $219.99 to $249.99 range.” Add in the $129.99 glove, $39.99 batting helmet, $19.99 batting gloves and shoes for $51.99 and today’s kids might need to become free agents just to play at the sand lot! Continue reading Big Costs for the Little League