Take a very good look at the picture above. On the left is Impulse Technology’s Trazer Interactive Fitness machine, while the one on the right is the Nintendo Wii in action. Do they look the same, because Impulse Technology has filed a lawsuit against Nintendo – along with several third-party game development studios, for violating a 1996 patent for an “interactive system for measuring physiological exertion.” According to Joystiq.com the suit is reportedly based on the “weight-tracking Wii Balance board (and the games which use it).”
Impulse Technology has claimed that the Wii too closely resembles the Trazer Interactive Fitness machine. Now what is curious is that the Wii was launched in 2005 and the Wii Balance Board came out in 2007, so why the delay until late 2011? Could it be that Impulse filed a similar suit against Microsoft over the Kinect this past July and is just covering all bases?
[Via Joystiq: Impulse Technology suing Nintendo for patent infringement]