Apple Developing iOS Technology to Bring Head-to-Head Workouts

There is no arguing that Apple is a very competitive company, and hardcore Apple users could be considered also a bit competitive, so it is no surprise that last week it was reported that Apple is developing a new fitness technology that could be the biggest thing in competitive workouts since the first time some guy yelled “bring it.”

According to online reports, Apple outlined details in a patent filing dated from October that suggests the company is looking to create a head-to-head tracking system that could allow for real-time competition in workouts. For example two runners could wirelessly sync their respective devices – such as two iPods – together and go for a run, tracking each other’s pace, distance, heart rate, blood pressure and even calories burned. Imagine the possibility for digital bragging rights – “my heart rate was so much stronger than yours and I burned way more calories!”

[Via Apple Insider: Apple Developing iOS tech for real-time, head-to-head workout competitions]