A bump on the head is more than it used to be. A recent study conducted by Hasbro Children’s Hospital and Brown University, both in Providence, R.I. finds an increase in children ages 8 to 19 in the emergency room for concussions. While the study cites a decline in certain organized team sports, kids remain prone to injury in a number of sports including individual sports such as bicycling and snow skiing.
While not all sports call for it, an increasing number of activities now call for a helmet, particularly with minors. Sports have seen great strides in headgear in recent years. Ski helmets like the one from Saloman have made it more common to see helmets on the slopes. Innovations in football helmets like the X1 from Xenith reduce the likelihood of a concussion upon impact during gameplay.
Still, some question whether helmets insure safety. Of course those that question the use of helmets are concerned that wearers are more willing to take risks and put themselves in harm’s way. The best way to reduce head injuries is likely to wear proper protection and be aware of the risks of your activity. It’s also important to be sure if you’re wearing headgear, you’re wearing it the right way. Many cyclists, for example, wear helmets set too far back on their head.
Brown University and Hasbro Children’s Hospital Study [via The Wall Street Journal: Childhood: Athletes’ Concussions Have Doubled]