Fitness Journal: Purdue University Offers Easy Tips to Help Reach Fitness Goals

Hey, where did everybody go? (Photo courtesy of Vagabond Shutterbug)

It’s February, we’re well into the year, and there’s no turning back. Which begs the question, how are your fitness goals coming along? Have you been going to the gym regularly since you signed up during the New Year?  Have you stayed true to your resolutions? If you said no, you’re not alone. Most of us make unrealistic goals for ourselves, according to Purdue University.

It’s not rocket science: people give up on fitness because they have no goals to begin with, they make unrealistic goals, or they lack the knowledge, motivation, discipline or tools to achieve their goals without injury, according to Lane Yahiro, clinical professor and director of the A.H. Ismail Center for Health, Exercise and Nutrition at Purdue University.

Yahiro offers some very easy tips to stay focus if people wish to get fit. One, be accountable, and exercise with someone with a similar schedule to help you with accountability. “I am a firm believer in having accountability,” Yahiro said. “Having an accountability partner does wonders, especially if the partner is just as excited about exercising.”

Second, establish exercise goals that can be reachable. Yahiro says working with a personal trainer can help you create realistic goals. “Personal trainers should set up daily training session objectives that will help the client work toward reaching both short- and long-term goals. An accountability partner can also work with you in this way.” (In our experience, many personal trainers are expensive and lack the proper training. Before you work with a trainer, make sure they are certified and understand your needs.)

Third, keep track of your progress.

These aren’t bulletproof tips that will guarantee a fit body, but exercise requires motivation, so don’t set the bar too high for yourself.

Thursday Reading List (11/03/2011)

Welcome to a weekly digest of web links I think are worth checking out. These items include articles, images, and video. Please comment on what you find interesting. If you have something to share, please submit links of interest to


The Stages of Change

Stages of Change picture

From Experience Life Magazine

Break a habit. Achieve a goal. Transform your life.

At one time or another, most of us have embarked on an effort to change some part of ourselves or our lives. We’ve decided to stop smoking, to start saving, to drop a few pounds, or to get a new job. As a rule, these sorts of changes don’t occur overnight. They take time and effort.And they tend to evolve through a multistage process — one that many behavior-change experts know as the Transtheoretical Model of Change.

Experience Life: Stages of Change Continue reading Thursday Reading List (11/03/2011)

TRX Offers Sponsorship for Fitness Goals

It’s still time of New Year’s resolutions to get fit or any other number of goals. Fitness Anywhere is offering a sponsorship program through its TRX Suspension bands. The goal is to pick a compelling training goal, create and submit a video to TRX’s YouTube page, and get the most views to win cash and training to support your goal. The intro video, “TRX Get with the Movement” shows people with goals from winning an iron man to simply running more or fitting into a bikini before swim season. There’s no goal too trivial if it gets you in better shape.

TRX is a suspension training system. It’s got straps that hook into the ceiling, door jam or other sturdy structure, and leverages your body weight to create exercise. The TRX straps boasts users have the ability to perform hundreds of exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility and prevent injuries. It is a resistance program that has a lot of possibilities, provided you have somewhere to hang your straps.

To enter for consideration to get sponsorship from TRX there are a few steps. Make a 30-second video describing your training goal for 2011 and how TRX will help you achieve the goal. Upload your video to YouTube. Promote your video entry via Facebook, Twitter and any other social or personal networking you can leverage to get more page views. The contest runs from the start of the year to April 30, 2011. Ten winners will be chosen through the course of the contest. Five winners will be selected in February, and five more in April.

The prize includes a $1,000 sponsorship to be applied towards event entry costs, travel, lodging and gear. The prize also includes a TRX Suspension Training Pro Pack; a FLIP camera for the winner to share his goal progress and TRX training; and a customized TRX training program. Good Luck!

TRX Training System

TRX YouTube Page

TRX Sponsors You details