Sports Drinks – Bad For the Teeth?

We know sports drinks can seem like a godsend when you’re out on a long ride or doing a serious workout. But now a new study, published in the clinical journal of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), found that the increased consumption of sport and so-called “energy” drinks can lead to potentially irreversible tooth damage!

In the study researchers looked at nine energy drinks and 13 sports drinks and examined the high acidity levels that can erode tooth enamel, the outer layer of teeth. Continue reading Sports Drinks – Bad For the Teeth?

Are Energy Drinks Dangerous to One’s Health?

Feeling sluggish? A hit of Red Bull or similar energy drink will solve that, because as the ad campaign says, “it gives you wings.” Of course with as much caffeine as a cup of coffee and a quarter cup of sugar it is no doubt that a can of an energy drink will get the motors running.

According a recent study from the University of Texas Medical School at Houston the drinks can be a problem, and mixed with alcohol can be dangerous or even lethal. Well the sound of a cup of coffee with sugar isn’t a big deal, how many people drink cup after cup after cup of coffee? That’s part of the equation; the other apart is what the combination of herbs and vitamins can do, especially when mixed with concentrations of caffeine. Probably something like a racing heart, hypertension and anxiety, as well as headaches and even problems sleeping. One thing the energy drinks don’t do is actually give you wings. Continue reading Are Energy Drinks Dangerous to One’s Health?