Don’t drink the water – a warning that often goes unheeded. But if there is no better source of water, and you’re traveling to foreign lands or doing the camping thing than the Portable Water and Surface Sanitizer from Hammacher Schlemmer might be a good thing to have with you. It is a pocket sized device that reportedly can eliminate 99.9 percent of germs from water and surfaces.
It emits UV-A and UV-C light to penetrate bacterial membranes, destroy their DNA, and kill harmful microorganisms like E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Salmonella. So while it can’t remove everything from water, if the locals are drinking it, this will help make it safer for you.
It is also quick. It can sanitize surfaces in 10 seconds and make two cups of water “safe” to drink in just 40 seconds. It is available now for under $100, and it runs on four AAA batteries, so it can go just about anywhere and help you enjoy some water with less worry.
[Via Hammacher Schlemmer: The Portable Water and Surface Sanitizer]