Weekend Reading List (05.11.2013): Bike Way, Caffeine Fix, California Dreaming, Push It Board

Bike Way


From Motherboard: In 1897, a Bicycle Superhighway Was the Future of California Transit
In 1897, a wealthy American businessman named Horace Dobbins began construction on a private, for-profit bicycle superhighway that would stretch from Pasadena to downtown Los Angeles. It may seem like a preposterous notion now—everyone knows Angelenos don’t get out of their cars—but at the time, amidst the height of a pre-automobile worldwide cycling boom, the idea attracted the attention of some hugely powerful players. And it almost got built. Continue reading Weekend Reading List (05.11.2013): Bike Way, Caffeine Fix, California Dreaming, Push It Board

Caffeinated Sting

Honey-StingerHoney Stinger’s line of energy chews have always been a good option for cyclists putting in serious miles. A few bites are enough to help riders go the distance, and the company has now introduced a caffeinated cherry cola flavor to its lineup.

Each packet of chews contains 160 calories with 32 milligrams of caffeine derived from white tea. Cherry Cola Energy Chews are gluten-free and dairy-free and provide 100 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. This flavor of chews contains 95 percent organic ingredients.

Chew and go.

Honey Stinger Official Website


Nuun New Flavors Based on Customer Faves

To come up with three new flavors, electrolyte enhanced drink tablet maker Nuun asked for customer input. The three flavors that they came up with as a result are Lemonade, Watermelon, and caffeine-enhanced Cherry Limeade. Flavors will be available just in time for spring. Continue reading Nuun New Flavors Based on Customer Faves

CLIF SHOT BLOKS Adds Chocolate to the Chew

When we met with Clif Bar at Interbike they were very excited to talk about the new flavor, Chocolate Cherry, in their CLIF SHOT Bloks energy chew line. Clif Bar just released the flavor in stores. The reason they were excited about the Chocolate Cherry flavor? It’s difficult to put real chocolate in a chew. It takes a balance to get the chew to be, well, chewy. Continue reading CLIF SHOT BLOKS Adds Chocolate to the Chew