Responsive Fabric To Help the Wearer

There is better health through technology, but what about better health through fashion? That’s the idea of Celliant, which prides itself on being the “Intel Inside of responsive textiles.” The company has actually been around for a decade, but has recently teamed up with major sportswear and fitness apparel companies including Reebok, Adidas and Saucony to create what is called “responsive fabric.”

According to a recent Fast Co.Exisit story this fabric may sound like something from science fiction, but it is actually very real, utilizing “a synthetic polymer that interacts with the body’s electromagnetic emission to induce increased oxygenation and blood flow.” The company claims that when worn as clothing Celliant can recycle energy back into the body by increasing blood flow and blood oxygen levels, and this means better athletic performance, potentially better strength and healing. Continue reading Responsive Fabric To Help the Wearer