Orbea Bikes to Grow With Riders

One problem for many children (and even more so for their parents) is that bikes can be outgrown quickly and a bike that is too small can be as much of a problem as a bike that is too big. But Spanish bike maker Orbea has introduced something that allows growing children to have a bike that will the right size a bit longer.

While kids will grow, so will the Grow, a new line of bikes designed specially to grow with the rider. While most bikes allow for a seat to come up, the Grow also allows for the frame to be expanded as well, and this can result in a good fit for three to five years, and the bikes come in four sizes so once a frame is truly outgrown, parents can step up to the next size and let the kid grow with it. Video after the jump

Gates Holds Frame Design Contest for 2012 NAHBS

To celebrate its three-year sponsorship of the North American Handmade Bicycle Show (NAHBS), Gates Carbon Drive is holding a frame design contest for the 2012 NAHBS taking place in Sacramento March 2-4. The contest encourages bike makers to build frames for use with the Gates Carbon Drive. Bike entries will be judged on sliding dropouts, belt tensioning systems, frame splits and a number of other design factors.

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