Sorry sci-fi fans there won’t be lasers at the 2012 London Olympics after all. This past August it had been announced that laser pistols – seriously laser pistols – would be used in the modern pentathlon. The event, which is actually a cross discipline sport, includes pistol shooting, épée fencing, 200 m freestyle swimming, show jumping and a 3km cross-country race. The event was first held at the 1912 Olympic Games, but it was conceived of by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games.
The idea behind the modern pentathlon was to simulate the experience of a 19th century cavalry soldier (and officer at that); someone who could ride a horse, fight with a pistol and sword and be able to swim and run. For the 2012 games the organizers had looked to add a bit of the future into the mix by using laser pistols for the shooting events.
However, these shouldn’t be confused with the Star Wars style blaster weapons, but rather have are much more likely laser pointers – so sorry also to anyone who hoped light sabers would eventually be used in the fencing. The lasers will still be used for the junior competitions, which are more reported to be more “environmentally friendly” that traditional pistols. The lasers were used this past August at the Youth Olympic Games held in Singapore.
So clearly it is just a matter of time unlike the Olympics gets lasers, but we’re glad they won’t be used in London. It would be like if James Bond used a laser – which he did in the film Moonraker and look how that turned out.
[Via Inside the Games: Modern pentathlon drops laser gun plan for London 2012]