Shoe Shopping Goes Virtual

Here is a strange twist on buying shoes. Imagine going to the store, but not being able to find just the right athletic shoe. If you’re like most of us, you’ve probably heard, “we have more shoes online.” Well, rather than head to a computer you can head to the wall – as in the adiVERSE Virtual Footwear Wall, which is produced by adidias and powered by an Intel Core i7 processor and features 3D images of the shoes.

Popular shoes feature videos, product specs, game stats and even twitter feeds. Would-be buyers can add product to a virtual cart and check out via the store’s iPad. If the shoe is in stock you can try it on and walk out with it, and if not have it ordered and delivered.

Of course if you can’t try on the shoes, it begs the question why you wouldn’t just check out shoes online, but it is an interesting twist on the shoe store. Think of this as the merging of brick and mortar store with an online shop.

Connected Runners Hit the Ground Running With runens

Technology outsourcing and software product engineering company Ci&T has hit the ground running with its new mobile app for the Apple iPhone. Designed exclusively for the dedicated runner, runens is designed to be an easy-to-use app that enables users to connect and compete with a community of like-minded pavement pounding enthusiasts.

The concept behind the app is that “running is social,” and this connection can boost a runner’s motivation, making them go further and run hard to achieve goals. This is the latest app developed through Ci&T’s employee entrepreneurship program, which offers employees the opportunity to indulge their passion for technology, while still delivering innovative technology services to the company’s valued clients.

“As an avid runner, I know that lack of motivation can often be the greatest hurdle to getting out for a run,” said Marcio Cyrillo, Digital Evangelist for Ci&T. “But I also know that runners are driven by accomplishments, and I designed runens specifically so users could connect with other runners in their community and gauge their goals and achievements against these runners. I’m lucky to work at a company that allows me to indulge my passion so completely, and it’s my hope that the runens app will become as important to die-hard runners as their favorite pair of running shoes.”

This app promises a simple-to-use interface, where runens users can select and set individual goals for runs that include 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon, Ultra-Marathon or Freestyle. They can gauge the time, distance and pace of each run, with built-in GPS functionality to pinpoint the exact location of the runner on a map; and share and compare their goals and achievements with other runners in their community in real-time, driving the motivation to run even in inclement weather or other harsh conditions. Time to get running and social.

runens on the Apple App Store

Nintendo to Wii 2

Sony and Microsoft have reaffirmed their commitment to their current generation consoles, the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 respectfully, and made it clear that it will be 2014 before either company brings out a next generation console. Both Sony and Microsoft gave their current hardware significant makeovers, notably the PlayStation Move and Xbox 360 Kinetic respectively; both of which came out last fall.

Nintendo’s Wii, which was released in 2007 – just days after the Sony PlayStation 3 arrived at retail – hasn’t seen the similar upgrade. While it dominated the gaming arena thanks to its innovative motion controller system, the hardware was far less cutting edge than either the Sony or Microsoft consoles. The Wii doesn’t support HD and doesn’t provide the same streaming opportunities as the PS3 or 360. Likewise, Nintendo has been hit on the handheld front too, as Apple’s iPhone and more recently the iPad have stolen some of the Nintendo GameBoy’s thunder. Continue reading Nintendo to Wii 2

Texas Power Company to Pretty Up Trails

Richardson, Texas is about to get some new hiking and biking trails, courtesy of Oncor Electric Delivery Company. The Oncor Texas Trails program will turn the company’s transmission rights-of-way into hike and bike trails.

Oncor worked with la terra studio, a Dallas-based landscape architectural firm to develop a design template for the Oncor Texas Trails project. Oncor employees will volunteer their time to support this program and follow the landscaping template to beautify the trails.

“We are in our communities listening to our customers and they tell us that community trails are important to them,” said Oncor Chief Customer Officer Brenda Jackson. “The Oncor Texas Trails program is a way we can truly give back to our customers throughout our communities. It will also give our employees another opportunity to support community needs.”

The power company already has a number of hike and bike trails in its transmission rights-of-way. New templates for the trails include recreational use of transmission rights-of-way, including native and low maintenance landscape designs.

The Oncor Texas Trails program is a part of Oncor’s commitment to supporting health and fitness initiatives.

Oncor Electric Delivery Company

Near Field Communication Used to Track Sleep

This week iMPak Health announced the launch of its new SleepTrak, the first such product to use Near Field Communication (NFC). The enabled mobile health and wellness application will launch on Nokia’s Symbian platform, including the Nokia C7 Smartphone, where users can download the free app from the Ovi store.

“NFC and Cypak technology enable SleepTrak to bring many aspects of a professional sleep assessment session to the consumer market for a fraction of the price,” says Per Nathanaelson, iMPak Health President and CEO. “With iMPak Health’s provider expertise from Meridian Health, the SleepTrak data will be useful when presented to a trained medical professional.” Continue reading Near Field Communication Used to Track Sleep

Movea To Get Motion Moving

The key to the convergence of fitness and technology is often times the development of new technology. This week we heard about the new MotionPod hardware from Movea, a leading developer of motion technology. This new gizmo is a wireless miniaturized, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) that uses MEMS sensors to accurately measure 9 Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) motion with a PCB module that is only the size of a small watch.

This patented hardware solution for motion sensing incorporates a 3-axis accelerometer, as well as a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis magnetometer in a single package that further includes built-in software and a wireless interface. As an off-the-shelf component it is ready to be used in a variety of applications including fitness, sports and gaming – or a competition of the three. Continue reading Movea To Get Motion Moving

Polar Helps Users Determine their BodyAge

Many runners, cyclists and other top athletes swear by their heart rate monitor, and now Polar, one of the leaders in heart rate monitoring and fitness assessment technology, has introduced an integrated solution that will help users of all levels reach their fitness goals.

This is the BodyAge 5 software that is now available at health and fitness clubs nationwide. It analyzes a full range of health and fitness indicators, providing club members with a clear picture of their physical body age in comparison to their chronological age and overall fitness.

Users of the BodyAge 5 software are provided a questionnaire that evaluates the club member’s current physical activity level and medical history. In addition a series of tests that determine their cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, flexibility and body composition. Based on this information, the software creates a personalized fitness report, a customized cardio and strength training program and a health risk appraisal – giving them the tools they need – such as nutrition and prevention tips to reduce the risk of heart disease, stress and diabetes among other health-related issues. Continue reading Polar Helps Users Determine their BodyAge

Ride the Tour of California With Strava and AEG

There are a few ways to ride the Amgen Tour of California. You can train hard, win local races, get picked up by a team and ride with the pros. Or you can ride it virtually with Strava, creator powerful Web and mobile applications for avid athletes, and AEG, one of the leading sports and entertainment providers. The two companies have announced that Strava will power social fitness for next month’s Tour. The three-year partnership will bring Strava’s event maps to the Web and mobile platforms. Strava is further supplying complimentary premium memberships to all race participants and will also offer training and race-day challenges.

“We are excited to partner with AEG to bring the sport of cycling even closer to the fans,” said Michael Horvath, CEO of Strava. “Strava’s GPS maps and online competitions allow avid cyclists to follow their favorite pros, compare and compete, and gain deeper insight into their own training.” Continue reading Ride the Tour of California With Strava and AEG

Hex Jumps on Sport Watch Band Wagon

Hex, the designer and manufacturer of technology fashion accessories, has gotten on the sports watch band wagon, with it new Sports Watch Band. Set to be available later this month, the band will be compatible with Nike+ and offer fitness enthusiasts a simple solution for listening to music, whilst tracking their workouts. Each HEX Sport Watch Band features an easy pop-in, pop-out design that holds user’s iPod nano Gen 6 for a quick music playing option during workout sessions at the gym or outdoors.

This watch combines fashion and function, offering a breathable and vented band, with five bright colors to chose from including green, blue, red, black and white. Continue reading Hex Jumps on Sport Watch Band Wagon

Swing Like a Pro… an aG Balance Pro

While not everyone can be a golf pro, aboutGolf will let you get the pro treatment with aG Balance Pro, a new dual force plate technology that the company introduced this week. This new platform, which features Perform Pro software that can be integrated with any 3Track-powered aboutGolf ball tracking including the aboutGolf simulator and aG Studio, uses dual force plate technology that provides detailed analysis of weight transfer during the swing.

“With aG Balance Pro, it is now possible to specifically understand the impact of balance on the golfer’s swing,” says Chuck Winger, aboutGolf’s Vice President of Performance Products. “For the first time, we can see force distribution on the front, back, right and left of each foot, helping us better assess the impact of balance on the golfer’s performance and provide proper instruction.”

aG Balance Pro’s data is presented in easy-to-understand visual graphics, as well as detailed data tables to support scientific analysis. All swing/balance data is time stamped and synchronized to the swing motion from backswing to follow-through, including a clear indication of weight transfer and foot forces at the time of ball impact. The Perform Pro software also supports integration with the optional aG Flix module, providing time-synchronized swing video for analysis side-by-side with aG Balance Pro. Continue reading Swing Like a Pro… an aG Balance Pro

Is Fitness Headed to the Cloud?

Not everyone has time to head to the gym, and many business travelers know it is even hard to squeeze in a good workout, let alone make the time to meet with a trainer. But is it possible the fitness could be heading to the cloud, as in cloud computing?

The concept of the cloud is that data, information and even software isn’t locally stored or accessed, but rather connected to via the Internet. Thus the information and software lives in the “cloud.” Now some companies are looking to bring this type of off-site connectivity to fitness. Among these is Core Performance, which was recently profiled in NetworkWorld. As the story notes:

“Core Performance is using business rules software from IBM to automate the application of expertise gleaned by training elite athletes. The company is an offshoot of Athletes’ Performance, which provides training, nutrition and physical therapy programs to professional athletes. While Athletes’ Performance focuses on training its pro sports clientele, Core Performance is creating fitness programs and equipment geared for everyday people. Using IP-enabled exercise gear and cloud-based applications is key to its delivery model.” Continue reading Is Fitness Headed to the Cloud?

Fitbit Partners With New API

This week Fitbit announced the availability of its beta API, along with new key partners that include RunKeeper, Microsoft, About.Me and others. The Fitbit Tracer device and companion web-based data aggregation technology can be used to track weight, nutrition, exercise, sleeping schedules and more. It is a wearable device that clips onto clothing or slips into a pocket. It features accelerometer technology to help track daily health activities including steps taken, distance traveled, calories burned and even sleep quality. This data is then wirelessly uploaded to the Fitbit website.

This company has announced that it has raised $9 million in new funding led by The Foundry Group. The big news this week is that the new Fitbit API will allow third-party developers to integrate Fitbit data in their own applications, products and services and also to read and write data for users’ Fitbit activities, food logs and other data in real time. Users can thus connect with fitness and weight loss apps such as RunKeeper and Lose It, and import and publish data into into their apps. users will be able to display real Fitbit stats on their profile through use of the API and Microsoft HealthVault allows users to upload daily activities and sleep sessions into HealthVault. And Last Fall, FitBit announced an integration with Google Health.

We’ve long said that fitness is good when it is done with a partner, and apparently Fitbit thought the same thing.

[Via Techcrunch: Fitbit Partners With RunKeeper, Microsoft, About.Me And Others With New API]

FitBit Official Website

Woo Hoo, Wahoo Brings ANT+ to Android

From insect to robot, or rather ANT+ to Android, that’s the news that hit last week as Wahoo Fitness announced the release of the first ANT+ application program interface (API) that connects Google Android smartphones to Wahoo Fitness products as well as any ANT+ compatible equipment. This ain’t just for iPhone anymore, as Android API joins Wahoo Fitness’ line of products tailored for the iPhone, broadening the pool of users able to use their smartphones as a fitness training and tracking tool.

“Wahoo’s technology is a perfect complement for anyone interested in better understanding the true results of their workouts, whether they are a casual exerciser or an elite athlete,” said Chip Hawkins, CEO, Wahoo Fitness.  “The availability of our Android ANT+ API allows a new wave of fitness enthusiasts to benefit from Wahoo Fitness products by enabling them to them to monitor and manage their workout information on a device they use every day.” Continue reading Woo Hoo, Wahoo Brings ANT+ to Android