Pannier for Picnic

While people still picnic it typically means paper plates, a two liter of soda and probably something bought pre-cooked at the grocery store – but there are still those who like the traditional picnics, with actual plates and cups. And what better way to get to the picnic site than by bicycle.

That’s the idea behind his Picnic Basket Pannier, from Bloon Design which can be strapped to the side of the bike and then converted into a mini tablet for two!

Bloon Design Official Website

Pour Cold Water on Your Workout

It’s necessary to drink water during workouts. But new research shows that cold water is more effective at helping exercisers keep up the momentum during workouts. Findings in two studies say that cold water helps keep core body temperature down longer, which allows athletes to push harder during workouts. Continue reading Pour Cold Water on Your Workout

Survivorman Machete Ready to Cut Through Almost Anything

Clearly some people must be worried about that whole Mayan prophecy and other doomsday predictions. That could be one explanation as why we’ve seen so many survival tools and other pieces of equipment making the rounds. But then again, it never hurts to be prepared and it never hurts to have the right equipment. Survivorman TV personality Lee Stroud worked with Camillus Knives to come up some new. Continue reading Survivorman Machete Ready to Cut Through Almost Anything

Recon Instruments Brings GPS Goggles to the Sky

When skydiving a whole new view of the world is opened up, so why would someone want to look at a computer screen? That’s actually not such a bad question, especially as some data could be considered crucial such as altitude for one. Now Recon Instruments, which has introduced a number of GPS-based ski goggles that provide real-time information such as speed, have re-purposed its technology for those who like the thrill of skydiving, BASE jumping and wingsuit flying.

The company announced its new Flight HUD system, which is a goggle-mounted heads-up display that uses a variety of sensors including GPS, altimeter and accelerometer to calculate and display forward speed, glide ratio and the ever important altitude. What makes this really stand out is that with the flip of a switch these same googles can be used for skiing. Perhaps this is something a superspy such as James Bond might appreciate. Video after the jump


There are places where phones won’t work, and if you need help you might find yourself reduced to smoke signals –unless you have the SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger. This rugged, pocket-sized device works where mobile handsets will not, and offers users the ability to send real-time, on-the-fly messages via text or social media. It features an option to allow your location to be transmitted in real-time. It can help notify emergency responders locate you in a pinch, but can also be used to just “check in” while you’re otherwise off the grid.

SPOT Official Website

Made in Amercia: Take Aim With the GloveShot

Slingshots aren’t just for Bart Simpson and Dennis the Menace. But if either had these they’d certainly terrify those Mr. Wilson types out there. The GloveShot from Montie Gear is no mere twig and rubber band. It features a paracord covered body brace against the back of the hand and has a pull weight of 35 pounds.

The paracord offers 550 pound breaking strength, and aluminum frame that is durable and rust proof. The GloveShot is made in North Carolina, and can be easily disassembled for storage or stashed in a “go bag.”

Montiegar GloveShot Official Website

Made in America: Light & Motion It Up

We’ve seen a lot of bike lights, and other gimmicky methods to light up a bike but sometimes simple is what it is all about. The new Light & Motion Taz offers 1,200 Lumens that will truly light the way for those riding when the sun isn’t shinning. This American made light is designed as a “crossover” model, so it can be used for mountain bikes as well as street bikes.

It is simple in that it features no cables, and instead contains the batter inside – making it easy for commuters who lock the bike outside during the day. It features multiple settings and can run at the full 1,200lm for 90minutes, or provide a respectable 600lm for three hours. At 300lm it can run constant for six hours, pulse for nine or flash for 18 hours. And it can get fully charged in about four hours.

Light & Motion Official Website

Weekend Reading (10.20.2012): Armstrong Doesn’t Do It, Reality Bytes, Endless Wave, Ice Ice Leggy

Armstrong Out

From Cycling News: Nike terminate Armstrong’s contract
In a sudden change of stance, Nike has announced it has terminated Lance Armstrong’s contract because of the “seemingly insurmountable evidence that Lance Armstrong participated in doping and misled Nike for more than a decade.” Continue reading Weekend Reading (10.20.2012): Armstrong Doesn’t Do It, Reality Bytes, Endless Wave, Ice Ice Leggy

Made in America: Made in the Mountains

With a name like American Mountain Co. could its products be made anywhere else but in America? The company is based in Sewickley, Penn. and has a factory in Spokane, Wash. and this start-up, which launched with a Kickstarter project, looks to introduce its first products – the hardshell jacket and fleece – this winter.

The company will source fabrics and materials from U.S. mills, but more importantly each piece will be feature a hand-signed label by the person who made it in the Spokane factory. We look forward to hearing good things from this company, which has announced plans to bring out a full line of outerwear and clothing in 2013.

American Mountain Co. Official Website

Woodman’s Multi-Tool

Clearly something is going on, as in the past month we’ve seen all sorts of innovative new tools that put a twist on the traditional shovel and sledgehammer/axe. Now the Woodman’s Pal shows that campers, hunters and other outdoors types have been doing something wrong. This multi-tool features a sickle hook blade that can cut back branches up to 1.5 inches in diameter with a mere single stroke. It also features a 10.5 inch carbon steel blade for normal cutting and there is even a bottle opener. All these devices have a bottle opener so maybe it is beer company that is behind this conspiracy of tools. Continue reading Woodman’s Multi-Tool

Sleestak Gloves Found!

For those who didn’t grow up in the 1970s and (fortunately) missed the recent movie reboot of Land of the Lost, the pseudo-villains were the Sleestaks, a lizard race that communicated through hissing and had just two fingers and a thumb.

While Answer’s Sleestak cycling gloves won’t require the wearer to hiss to talk, it should keep the hands warm as these are designed to handle temperatures to 20º F. We imagine even a cold-blooded creature like a Sleestak would find that reassuring. Just don’t get lost out there in the snow.

Answer Products Official Website
[Via BikeRumor: Found: Answer’s Sleestak Winter Cycling Gloves]

Adidas Gets Board

Sporting footwear maker Adidas has long been known to take chances and try new things. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise when the company announced last Friday that it had reached a deal to sign several professional snowboarders to its new team.

Joining Jake Blauvelt, who signed earlier in the year, and with a soon to be released signature après shred boot launching this month, the following professional snowboarders join the Adidas team: Kazu Kokubo, Eric Jackson, Helen Schettini, Forest Bailey and Keegan Valaika. The company further noted that the Adidas snowboarding joins Adidas Skateboarding in an effort towards dedication to authentic and collaborative footwear and apparel designed by skateboarders and snowboarders, for skateboarders and snowboarders.

Adidas Snowboarding Official Website

Trekkin’ Up Mount Kilimanjaro

While the snows aren’t quite as prevalent as they once were on Mount Kilimanjaro, we think Ernest Hemingway might be excited to hear that Trek Bicycles’s Trek Travel team is looking to bring 20 cyclists on an epic fundraiser next February and March that will include the first-ever bike ride permitted on the African continent’s tallest peak.

The ride will be open to only 20 cyclists and is being organized as a fundraiser for drilling projects to bring clean water to more than 150,000 Tanzanians. WorldServe will also host one of the largest-ever environmental clean up projects on Mount Kilimanjaro. Continue reading Trekkin’ Up Mount Kilimanjaro