X-1 Has Serious Momentum

X-1X-1 Audio can’t be slowed down, as the company has some serious momentum with its new headsphones. These sport-specific earbuds are designed so that cyclists and runners (or anyone else) can still hear ambient noise while enjoying the tunes. The open ear design allows for that ambient noise from cars and other people to get through, and while maybe not ideal for those looking to escape the world it could be the difference between hearing the approaching car or getting run down.

The Momentum earbuds aren’t exactly rugged designs but do feature an Ingress Protection Rating of IP4 so these can endure sweat and rain without worry.

X-1 Audio Momentum Earbuds Official Website

School Days

Bike-to-SchoolCentury Cycles proudly reported that more than 4,000 students hit the bikes to ride some 50,000 miles and burn nearly a million calories in the 6th Annual Bike to School Challenge (BTS), which took place from May 6-24 of this year. In all Northeast Ohio students biked 57,627 miles and set a new record. Press release after the jump

Rope It In The Dark

Reflective-Rope-PackTent cords in the dark are in essence trip hazards, but the Nite Ize Reflective Rope provides 50 feet of green reflective cord that can be seen after the sun goes down. It doesn’t actually glow in the dark, so no worries about it keeping you awake, but it does reflect light so if you need to head out in night and have a flashlight it will be easily seen.

Nite Ize Reflective Rope Pack Official Website

Adidas Blows It Up With Nitrocharge

adidas-NitrochargeThe soccer pitch won’t know what hit it. Adidas has introduced the new Nitrocharge soccer cleat/football boot, which offers a high-elastic upper element called the ENERGYSling to provide extra agility, while the ENERGYPULSE on the sole provides improved push-off and gives greater energy return to let the wearer go the distance.

The Sprintframe outsole offers TRAXION 2.0 stud placement to provide greater balance traction, stability and all in a lightweight shoe. The Nitrocharge also offers a miCoach speed cell fitness-tracking chip that allows the wearer to monitor speed, distance and even number of sprints. This can connect with an iOS device for a post game recap of the shoe’s explosive moments.

Adidas Nitrocharge Official Website

Weekend Reading List (06.01.2013): Nike to Livestrong No More, Off to the Races, Ice Man Cometh, Helmet Disconnect

Nike to Livestrong No More


From Bicycle Retailer: Nike cuts ties to Livestrong
Nike will stop manufacturing Livestrong-branded products following the 2013 holiday season, ending a nine-year relationship that has pumped more than $100 million into the nonprofit founded by Lance Armstrong. Continue reading Weekend Reading List (06.01.2013): Nike to Livestrong No More, Off to the Races, Ice Man Cometh, Helmet Disconnect

Boiling in the Sun

Solar-KettleSummer is almost here and for many that can mean it can be hot enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk. That’s not entirely practical, but British engineer James Bentham created the Solar Kettle, which can bring water to boil from the power of the sun’s rays. It is light enough to carry in a backpack and unlike a thermos can heat the water for cooking/

This portable thermos-like product utilizes a special thermal technology that requires no power – just a sunny day and a couple of hours. Video after the jump

Ready for Anyroad

Giant-AnyroadGiant Bicycles is truly a giant in the bicycle industry as it makes frames for many other companies. Giant is also apparently ready with its Anyroad road bike, which will debut this fall. The Giant Anyroad sports an upright geometry and plenty of tire clearance that can handle the pavement as well as dirt, gravel or rough terrain.

Anyroad isn’t a mountain bike nor is it a cyclocross bike but it is one that is suited to less-than-ideal road conditions. So for those who like to hit the road regardless of its condition the Anyroad is ready for it.

Giant Bicycles Official Website


LucidBRAKEWhat is better than a bike light to be seen? How about multiple bike lights that react to motion? LucidBRAKE is a stop sign-shaped brake light that mounts practically anywhere and is waterproof and lightweight. It features a three axis accelerometer that is able to detect braking forces relative to gravity and lights up much like a brake light on a car.

It offers two different braking speeds but also can be set to random blinking mode to help ensure it is seen at night or adverse weather conditions. LucidBRAKE is now looking to Kickstarter to get this thing rolling. Video after the jump

The iScope

InteliscopeNot everyone can be born to be a crack shot ala Sgt. Alvin York, but now there is an app out there that might help you better site the target. The Inteliscope mount system attaches and iPhone or iPod Touch to any firearm with a Pictatinny (Mil-STD-1913) or Weaver tactical rail.

The onscreen, heads-up display of the Inteliscope app features selectable crosshairs, 5X digital zoom, video record and playback, sight-in with ballistics and windage data, and even offers a built-in compass. There is GPS positioning, and this app features a shot timer as well as 5X zoom. There is even a flashlight and strobe as well.

This system features high-strength composite-reinforced polymer and ruggedized tactile rubber finish with quick-release portable protective cover. There is an adjustable mount position and the handset can be used in either portrait or landscape orientation.

About the only thing this system won’t do is pull the trigger for you.

Inteliscope Official Website

It’s Their Move

Now-We-MoveThe European Cyclists’ Federation (EFC) has announced a new partnership with the International Sport and Culture Association that includes a 1 million euro grant from the European Union budget that will be used for the 2013 edition of MOVE Week, which will take place in October.

This annual Europe-wide event is an integral part of the NowWeMove (2012-2020) Campaign, which promotes the benefits of being active and participating regularly in sport and physical activity. A wide range of promoters of physical activity will be supporting MOVE Week 2013 including individuals, non-governmental organizations, schools, companies and municipalities from all European countries.

This offers advice on reasons to start being active, and how just swapping 30 minutes of TV for 30 minutes of activity can go a long way. We see this as the beginning of a serious MOVEMENT towards better health across Europe.

NowWeMove Official Website

Transformable Pack

RukSakIf you are a child of the 1970s, 80s or 90s there was probably some afternoon cartoon or TV show that featured a giant robot that came together from a number of other vehicles. The heroes always waited until the end to create this mega robot, which remains unclear to the adult viewer.

Perhaps the folks behind RukSak Bags grew up watching such quality programming, as they’re looking to roll out a bag that is modular, flexible and can break down in several bags for various needs. John Hubbel and his wife came up with the concept after he returned from a tour in the Middle East as part of an anti-terrorism team.

He found that one bag didn’t fit all purposes and having a bag that could be flexible made ensuring he had just the right gear for the job. The result is that wearers can add or remove items as necessary – from a simple lumbar bag to a full rig for a multi-day trip in the wilds. Hubbel is now looking to raise funding via Kickstarter to bring the RukSak to market – probably an easier task than fighting some super robot from another planet. Video after the jump

Light Bar

HeliosA built-in bike light seems like a good idea, and while we seen systems that integrate the lights into the stem, the Helios Bars are more than just a built-in light. These do provide proximity lighting that allows the bike to automatically turn on or off when the rider is near, and provide turn singles to help drivers know what you’re about to do. But the Helios Bars also provide GPS tracking via SMS from anywhere in the United States, where users can receive coordinates of the bike via Google Maps.

These bars also offer a visual speedometer, and can provide turn-by-turn navigation when synced with a mobile phone via Bluetooth 4.0. There is even ambient lighting options to set the mood while riding. Video after the jump

Gear at Arm’s Length

KODIAKBatman has his utility belt, James Bond has his gizmos and gadgets and everyone else can have the KODIAK, an integrated fire starting buckle, fire starting tinder, braided fishing line and fishing hook. Jonathan Price and Michael Mojica are not looking to bring this wrist-wearable survival kit out via a Kickstarter project.

If the end of the world comes this might be a bracelet that does a whole more than make a statement or support a cause. It might be one that actually helps you survive. Video after the jump