Solar Cooking


The SolSource looks like a satellite dish, but it won’t deliver TV while out in the wilds. Instead this James Bond styled grill will heat your foot. The environmentally-friendly grill uses the power of the sun to heat up quickly and cook a large meal in minutes.

The solar grill uses no emissions and needs no charcoal or gas to work. Of course you need to cook during the day and rain can truly leave you hungry. One Earth Designs is now looking to Kickstarter to heat up interest in the SolSource. Video after the jump

Happy Go Skateboarding Day

Go-SkateboardingEven if you’re at work or school today there is still time to hit the board. Today is Go Skateboarding Day. This is the day when skateboarders from around the globe celebrate the pure exhilaration, creativity, and spirit of one of the most infuential activities in the world by blowing off all other obligations to go skateboarding!

Go Skateboarding Day Official Website

Big Bang Arrow

Bow-MagArchery has gotten big thanks to movies and TV shows, and as such the typical arrow is much more than just a blade at the end of a shaft. Rac-Em-Bac is one company that has looked to create some arrows that are almost worthy of something you’d find in a comic book.

These include the new Preloaded Scent Arrowheads, which are available with 10 scents that can be used to attract game by masking all traces of human scent; the Bow Shot, which contains #7 steel shot that is ideal for small game and vermin; and for those looking for some extra bang, the Bow Mag.

The latter is a hollow plastic arrowhead that is fitted with a .38 special or .357 Magnum cartridge, which can certainly give the arrow some extra bang! Obviously check with local laws before using such a thing. Video after the jump

Made in America: JackRabbit Swift

Jack-RabbitWhile any cap can work for running, the folks at California-based JackRabbit Caps have a variety of caps made for those who are fast on their feet (or not so fast as the case may be). These include wool caps for those less than warm days – which many of us are still enduring. In addition the company offers a lineup of lightweight caps for those hot summer days to come.

The winter caps feature a low profile with foldable earflaps and wool flannel to keep you warm, while the summer versions offer moisture wicking materials and SPF 30 grade protection from the sun.

JackRabbit Caps Official Website

Vapur Filter

Vapur-MicroFilterWe’ve liked what we’ve seen with Vapur’s foldable water bottles. These are serious space savers for those on the go in the wilds. Now the company has unveiled its Explorer Series MicroFilter, which offers a lightweight, chemical-free water purification system that utilizes the most advanced hollow fiber membrane technology on the market.

The MicroFilter comes with a 1L Eclipse Anti-Bottle in either Olive or Night Blue, and in addition to using it with the Anti-Bottle, it can also be used like a straw to drink straight from the water source or squeezed from the Anti-Bottle into another beverage container. This creates a truly portable and versatile filtration system.

Vapur MicroFilter Official Website

Rocket to the Sun (for Hot Water)

SunRocketWhile man has walked on the moon there will never be a true rocket to the sun, as that would be a one-way trip and it wouldn’t make all that close. However, Sunrocket is something different. It is a portable heating system that can heat and even boil water using only solar power.

It features solar panels that can catch the rays of the sun and the longer you leave it out the hotter the water will get. Once heated the water can be used to drink, cook, clean or rehydrate food. So if you’re camping out or just preparing for the impending collapse of civilization this could be your rocket to a warm cup of tea.

Sunrocket Official Website

Weekend Reading List (06.15.2013): Saving Skin, Lance Who?, Recovery Ride

Saving Skin


From Runner’s World: 6 Skin Care Tips For Runners
Being outdoors is by far one of the best parts of running, but it doesn’t come without risk, especially when it comes to skin health. Taking a few simple steps to care for your skin is always important, but especially so during the long days of summer. Continue reading Weekend Reading List (06.15.2013): Saving Skin, Lance Who?, Recovery Ride

Hunt Down

Hunter-ProJust because the knife has the moniker “Hunter Pro” doesn’t mean you have to actually be a hunter, or a pro. This tactical knife might still be the one to have when you’re out camping or hiking. It is made by Victorinox, the folks behind the Swiss Army Knives, and this folding blade design is optimized for one-hand access while the heavy gauge stainless steel blade locks securely in place.

It offers an ergonomic grip that will have you cutting like a pro.

Victorinox Hunter Pro Official Website

Give Me Shelter… and Water to Drink

Kammok-GliderA rain tarp is ideal for keeping you dry while out in the wilds. But the KAMMOK Team, which is looking to Kickstarter to raise funds for its Kammok Glider Rain Tarp and Weather Relief Shelter, think it can do a little more.

The Glider features rainwater retention and heat reflective technology. What does this mean exactly? Well for one this tarp features patent-pending built-in rain retention technology that can actually collect rain water in both light and heavy rain conditions. This water is funneled to special bottles and thus can provide drinking water where it might not otherwise be available.

When it isn’t raining, the Glider can also be pitched with the reflective side facing the sky to help those underneath stay cool. Video after the jump

Pentax Rugged GPS Ready to Go

Pentax-WG-3A camera can often help save memories of those trips you made, and the Pentax WG-3 is a rugged camera that will be available in both non-GPS and GPS version. If features a f/2.0 aperture wide-angle lens with 4x optical zoom, a back-illuminated 16MP CMOS sensor, and Pentax’s sensor-shift Shake Reduction, which should help provide great photos with little noise. This camera is waterproof and can withstand 220 foot pounds of force, so it is ready for the adventure.

Pentax WG-3 Official Website

Hang Time

Cinch-to-HangWhile book shelves and cabinets are made of wood out in nature some people try to hang things off trees using nails, screws or hooks. This might not seem like a big deal but those can actually hurt or injure the tree.

The folks at Cinch to Hang have another idea for using the trees for some storage. This system wraps around any tree less than four feet in diameter and cinches down tight, while a plastic hook allows for hanging of backpacks, wet clothes or just about any other gear you want off the ground. Video after the jump

Rolling and Stroller’ing

Longboard-StrollerWhat is a former skater to do when the stork brings a new bundle of joy? One option is to put a helmet on the young one and turn that longboard into a stroller. That’s the idea that Longboard Strollers seemed to have. While we’re not sure of the safety issues – and don’t recommend you try this in a half pipe, perhaps for those casual (and we do mean casual) rides on smooth pavement it could help the baby get used to life on board. Video after the jump

Rino Radio

Garmin-Rino-655t-GPSGetting off the grid and away from it all is good in theory, but perhaps a little communication isn’t such a bad idea. This is where the Garmin RINO 655t GPS/2-way radio comes in quite well. It can put TOPO maps, FRS/GMRS radio, altimeter, compass and weather radio right in the palm of your hand.

The NOAA weather can alert you to incoming storms, while the waterproof design is up to IPX7 standards so it can endure a storm or two. There is even a built-in 5-megapixel autofocus camera with automatic geotagging functionality.

There are times to leave the iPhone and other handsets at home, but this is one radio you shouldn’t go into the wilds without.

Garmin RINO Official Website