Video Games Won’t Get You Fit, But Can They Get You in Shape to Get Fit?

We’ve long taken the opinion that video games are not an acceptable alternative to hitting the gym, but we also agree that fitness related games – including dance games, workout titles and anything that involves “moving” you off the couch is still a good thing. But now comes word from a few sources that the American Heart Association has found that Wii games such as Wii Sports and Wii Fit could be an actual “gateway” to the real deal.

According to Dr. Barry A. Franklin, who was quoted by My Fox Houston, games not a substitute for actual exercise, but do encourage people to get healthier. Franklin’s view:

“The fact of the matter is that 70 percent of Americans don’t exercise. Some of the reasons they don’t exercise s that it’s not enjoyable, it’s no fun, and it’s not readily accessible.

“Often times the boxing, the golfing, and other activities have an energy expenditure that is equivalent to slow, moderate walking. That’s a lot better than sitting on the couch.”

With the recent release of the PlayStation Move this past September, as well as this week’s release of the Xbox 360 Kinect we expect a lot of gaming to occur, but at least this could be a gateway to healthier gamers.

From Skate Deck to iPhone Case

There comes a time for every skateboarder to realize that the old deck just can’t be used any longer. Whether it is cracks in the wood or just other structural issues, skateboard decks just can’t last forever. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t live on afterward.

Portland, Oregon based MapleXo has long been turning trashed decks into thrasher jewelry and now the company is looking to turn old skate decks into iPhone 4 cases. However, the catch is that the company is releasing just 50 limited edition cases so you better skate over to the website quickly to sign up for one.

MapleXO official website

[Via MapleXO x Grove iPhone 4 cases are made from recycled skateboards]

Hands On: Redline Conquest Team Cyclocross Bike

Over the years I’ve had about a half a dozen road bikes, and at least an equal number of mountain bikes. But a recent move from New York City to Michigan opened up new possibilities for me. Not only could I buy more bikes since I have a garage to fill, but there were now a far great number of options with places to ride. With the change in venues also came a change in attitude. In the past few years I’ve opted to do more road riding, and far less off-roading.

To that end I decided that my middle aged body just wasn’t up to the hard core mountain biking any longer. I’m not alone, as many of my old riding buddies have moved on as well. That said, I still like to ride through the woods and trails, especially in the fall as the colors of the leaves change. But hitting the more technical trails, riding complex single track and choosing the right line were in the past for me. I might still head out for some mountain biking, yet what I really wanted was to enjoy the road style riding but on dirt paths, fire roads and other non-technical type trails. Thus it was time to get a cyclocross bike. Continue reading Hands On: Redline Conquest Team Cyclocross Bike

Deca Sports Heads to Kinect

When the Kinect for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 is released next month gamers will be able to compete in 10 sporting events from the single Deca Sports Freedom title. This one will feature controller free gaming, which should hopefully get players off the couch and get their hearts pumping as they take part in tennis, boxing, archery, paintball, beach volleyball, dodge ball, kendo, mogul skiing, snowboard cross and figure skating. We’re not sure how all these will work, but we like the sound of it.

DECA SPORTS FREEDOM is an exciting step forward for the DECA SPORTS franchise,” said Mike Pepe, Director of Marketing at Hudson Entertainment.  “We’re proud to embrace new technologies and innovations in gaming in our mission to deliver games that appeal to players of all ages and skill levels.”

The game, which is being published by Hudson Entertainment, will arrive with the release of the Kinect for Xbox 360 video game system on November 18.

Deca Sports Freedom Official Website

aboutGolf Helps JuniorThai Golfers

This week aboutGolf announced that it is helping a number of Asia’s top junior golfers, who are spending more time in the simulator and less on the fairways. Thailand’s Suchaya Tangkamolpraser uses the aboutGolf Simulator at the Bangkok-based Wilding Golf Performance Center, where she is being coached by Shane Wilding, founder of the center. She is not the only standout to be getting into the swing of things at the club either.

Wilding’s students use the simulator for both “on the range” to develop their swing, and “on the course,” which teaches club selection and management.  

“The aboutGolf Simulator has a proven record of improving the performance of golfers around the globe, including here at Wilding Golf in Thailand,” says Wilding, an Australian golf coach with extensive amateur and professional (including PGA TOUR stars Curtis Strange, Ben Crenshaw, Tom Kite, David Eger, Graham Marsh and Stewart Ginn) teaching experience in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the United States. “aboutGolf technology helped these Junior golfers reach a world-class level of performance and, as an instructor, it is exciting to have aboutGolf’s incredible technology enhancing my teaching philosophies. The accuracy of the aboutGolf system is absolutely mind-boggling.”

Let’s just hope these golfers still get out in the fresh air too!

aboutGolf Official Website

Wilding Golf Performance Center Official Website

The Material Girl Starts Hard Candy Fitness

Madonna is the face behind a new global fitness club, Hard Candy. You know she goes to the gym. You want your arm muscles to look like hers. Now you can work to achieve those arms, abs and other muscle groups in these new clubs. The first one is set to open in Mexico City in the exclusive Bosques de las Lomas area at the end of November. An additional 10 locations are planned to open in Russia, Brazil, Argentina and throughout Europe and Asia.

Hard Candy Fitness plans to offer innovative training methods in private, group and dynamic formats including classes such as Zumba, Latin Moves and Cardio Kickboxing. Each gym will feature a bike studio, mind and body studio featuring “The Great Wall” where members can practice BarWorks, sculpting, Capoeira and new trends in yoga. For strength and circuit workouts there will be cardiovascular equipment with personal viewing screens and more than 60 pieces of strength training equipment at each location such as free weights, PreCor, Hoist, Free Motion, Nautilus, Hammer Strength, StarTrac, AbCoaster and TRX suspension training. Expect also to find a healthy alternative juice bar or café to replenish post-workout. We do have to wonder if there will be any Pilates classes or equipment since Madonna was one of many celebrities that caught on that trend back in the day.

The locker rooms are reported to be seen to be believed with fine materials that make the place you change and store your close a sanctuary.

It’s a shame that the new chain of clubs hasn’t named any U.S. cities for planned locations. They will no doubt feature the newest exercises and equipment. Hard Candy Fitness, however, will likely be among the more pricy of health club memberships.

Power Armor For Soldiers – Coming Soon

Science-fiction novels such as Starship Troopers offered a vision of the future where soldiers would be equipped with power armor suits. These would enhance the ability to lift great amounts of weights, let soldiers run long and basically become bad-ass warriors. Now it seems that this isn’t just limited to the pages on the book, or movies such as Iron Man.

Raytheon has introduced what it calls its second-generation exoskeleton (XOS 2), which is essentially a wearable robotic suit. It was unveiled recent at the company’s Salt Lake City research facility. While it won’t allow the wearer to fight super villains, ala Tony Stark, or jump out of a starship from near orbit, it is capable of some nifty functions. The XOS 2 can aid in lifting, reducing the strain and exertion, and as such it can help do work faster – because it can also do the work of two or even three soldiers.

Now if only it could let soldiers fly, and drop from near orbit. Hopefully we won’t have a “bug” problem until those features are incorporated.

Raytheon Official Website

PlayStation Moves One Million Units

The world is moving at a faster and faster pace every day, and some are doing the Move directly in the living rooms. In fact, more than one million might be doing so it seems. This week Sony Computer Entertainment America announced that it has shipped more than one million units of the PlayStation Move in North and Latin America in the first 30 days since its release.

The system is one of the latest innovations in video game development, getting gamers off the couch and being a bit more active. “PlayStation Move is the most recent example of how product innovation continues to provide our customers with new and exciting ways to enjoy our technology,” said Jack Tretton, Chief Executive Officer, Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC. 

Currently 24 titles are available for the PlayStation Move, with 15 additional titles slated for release in the upcoming months. The PlayStation Move is now available at retail, as a bundle with PlayStation Eye camera, and PlayStation Move motion controller as well as Sports Champions on Blu-ray and a demo disc add-on for $99.99.

Sony PlayStation Official Site

BodyMedia to Add App

There has been no shortage of devices, gizmos and gadgets to help you lose weight. A lot of these devices, gizmos and gadgets require you to wear something, where the data can be synced to a computer. That’s good, because it lets you see detailed results of your activity and of course helps you set goals, but it’s bad because it requires people to be very proactive. Stop syncing the device one day, and you might not bother wearing it the next. There has to be an easier way to see the results. Continue reading BodyMedia to Add App

Exercise Bikes Lead the Pack in Global Market Trend

In a sign that we hope means people will take fitness more seriously, Global Industry Analysts, Inc. is reporting that the global market for physical fitness equipment will exceed $10.5 billion (with a B) by 2015. Much of this will be spurred by a growing fitness mantra, and it won’t be limited to the United States – as developing regions including Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East will be looking to get toned as well.

The new market report further suggests that the despite an economic slowdown, fitness related gear will continue to sell – and hopefully this won’t be limited to products offering quick fixes and easy solutions. You need to sweat and burn to earn that weight loss after all. The United States will represent the single largest market for physical fitness equipment, with Asia-Pacific emerging as the fastest growing regional market. Continue reading Exercise Bikes Lead the Pack in Global Market Trend

Hands On: Check Your Balls

You might be a competitive cyclist who obtains new equipment each year, an avid cyclist who keeps their equipment for many years or a bit of both; but either way you roll, you would probably benefit from having your balls checked out. The balls I am referring to are the ball bearings in your bicycle – mainly the hubs and bottom bracket; but also the pedal, rear derailleur pulleys and headset bearings. Bearings are one of those items that is not sexy and is rarely thought about since they are out of sight; but often instead of being filled with grease, they can filled with dirt, water or rust. This in turn will reduce the results and efficiency of each of your pedal strokes. Continue reading Hands On: Check Your Balls

London Calling: New Bike Show for January

After the surprise announcement that Interbike would be staying put, comes word that the Cycle Show, the former London Cycle Show, would move from London’s Earls Court to NEC area in Birmingham. Our friends at reported that the organizers are looking to make this move as Birmingham will allow for a “significant expansion.”

The event, which will celebrate its 10th anniversary will take place just weeks after Interbike, and run from September 29 to October 2. Meanwhile BikeRadar also announced that London Town won’t be without a bike show.

In a (confusing) twist, the London Bike Show will take place from January 13-16. We can hope this will mean lots more bicycle tech for us to report on, and for all of us to ride on next season and beyond.

London Bike Show

Samsung: To Russia With Love With Fitness MP3 Player

In the 1982 film Firefox (which had nothing to do with the Internet browser) Clint Eastwood played a top-notch pilot who took part in a secret mission to steal a Soviet prototype jet fighter. We wonder if such an exploit might be needed today to bring the YP-U6 from Russia? While not a state-of-the-art combat aircraft that can be controlled by a neuralink, the Samsung portable music player is almost worthy of a spy capper.

Much like the newly announced Philips device this one has a special fitness program, which can calculate the calories spent while the listener was using the device for various activities. It is also equipped with a built-in full-size USB connector, making it easy to transfer music to the device, as it as a built-in voice recorder, to transfer those recordings to a PC. The YP-U6 also features a four-line color CSTN display, and is equipped with SoundAlive technology to simulate a 5.1-channel format. It supports MP3, WMA, OGG and FLAC, and even has a built-in FM tuner. Two versions will be available when the YP-U6 arrives in stores in Russia later this month including 2GB and 4GB models.

Alas, no death ray, spy camera or other SMERSH type goodies included.

[Via IT Chuiko: Samsung offers a player with a fitness trainer]