Cane-do Bike from Bamboo

We’ve noted other “green” bikes, including those made from renewable materials including bamboo, but recently Vijay Sharma showed that he has a cane-do spirit for making bikes from the quick growing grass (which bamboo technically is rather than a wood).

What makes these bikes stand out is that Sharma has created his bikes using the skills his father, a carpenter, taught him. The result is that Sharma has turned this into a not-so-small business making the Bambikes. Sharma also notes that bamboo is comparable to steel in terms of strength, something the people in North-East India know quite well as the material is used to build houses. Bamboo is also known to be shock-absorbent and flexible, while still retaining rigid – qualities that are essential for bicycles. Continue reading Cane-do Bike from Bamboo

When There’s a Chill in the Air, Hot Pack

Team Saxo Bank-SunGard just approved a wind shell from Sportful that many cyclists can appreciate. The jacket is lightweight and compresses into a pack that fits in the palm of your hand so you can easily tote it along on your ride in case of rain, wind, or chill. The jacket is designed to provide front wind protection, breathability, and a moderate degree of water protection, but in the absolute minimal package. Continue reading When There’s a Chill in the Air, Hot Pack

Oh Danny(Shane) Boy Membership Program Launched

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we thought it would be worth noting that if absolutely, positivity feel the need to wear green today, at least do it with some style. And if you’re going to wear green while riding, you can put on the green and do so by being a bit green in the process too.

DannyShane, the maker of eco-conscious cycling apparel, announced this week the launch of Club DannyShane, an exclusive membership program for cycling enthusiasts. Club DannyShane founding members receive a DannyShane Targa Limited Edition Jersey (available only to Club DannyShane members), a Club DannyShane bracelet, exclusive discounts, new product previews and invitations to special events and a member ride in Austin, Texas later this year. The cost for Club DannyShane membership for 2011 is $125.

“We are excited to launch this new program, offering our clients exclusive founding membership into Club DannyShane,” said Shane Hunt, president of DannyShane. “We know that cycling goes far beyond the gear and apparel. It’s part of a lifestyle, and we look forward to connecting and riding with our members.”

We should mention that all DannyShane cycling jerseys are infused with bamboo white ash (44 to 50 percent bamboo white ash)  in every weave of the fabric, and this natural fiber provides natural moisture-wicking capabilities that promise not to irritate skin or rinse out like chemicals. The bamboo further captures odor naturally, provides natural UV protection, and even offers ultra soft comfort that dries quickly.

DannyShane Official Website

Nylon Bike Made From Copier Technology

When we think of “carbon copy” technology we think of the old days when carbon paper was used to make multiple copies of a document. This technology is still used (albeit less and less) with some rental agreements and other business contracts. However, when we think of “carbon copy” for bicycles, we tend to think of how a line of bikes all looks the same.

The truth is that all bikes are still somewhat made individually, even if the parts are more or less the same. No two bikes are truly “copies.” But British engineers Chris Turner and Andy Hawkins may have developed a bike that could very well be the first of a line of copies – bikes that are so much alike they could be considered clones! Their Airbike is made entirely of nylon – yes nylon – but it is supposedly as strong as steel. What is more interesting is that the bike has been created using a process called additive layer manufacturing (ALM). Continue reading Nylon Bike Made From Copier Technology

Helmets for Urban and Even Non-Urban Commuters

Everyone who rides a bike on public roads probably knows that having a light isn’t a bad thing. You can’t always count on being home before the sun goes down, and a blinky can help let the cars – as well as other cyclists – know to share the road.

And for commuters, there is a good way to make sure you’re seen as well. Lazer, the maker of cycling and motorcycle helmets, has a line of bike hard hats in its Urbanize line that include integrated lights. Among the helmets offered by the company are those that include a light rig with front and back lighting for optimal visibility for the rider – so you can see and be seen as well.

The helmets are available in models that are rain protected, meaning water won’t cause damage, while winter padding and insect nets are also available. There are helmets that look good for race day and for long daytime training rides, but for the daily commute to the daily grind, the Lazer will help point the way.

Lazer Urbanize Helmets

UCI Provides List of Approved Cycling Equipment

What defines a bicycle? Let’s see, two wheels, seat, chain, pedals, frame, fork? Actually that might describe the parts on a bicycle, but it doesn’t mean those parts will be legal when it comes to international racing. This week our friends at BikeRadar UK noted that the UCI (International Cycling Union) have published its latest list of new items that a “legal” for racing this season. The two lists show which frames, forks and wheels have been authorized for road, track and cyclo-cross competition under the latest approval protocol.

So how important is this list? Well, so far five new frames (as well as their respective forks) have been approved, but one has reportedly met the criteria but not been added to the list. This is important to note as race bikes tend to go into production just after the first of the year, and must be submitted for testing. Consider that as we head to the second half of March that means bikes could already have been in production for nearly three months – and if not passed, they aren’t legal for any UCI sanctioned race! While this shouldn’t be an issue for the Scott Plasma 3 – the bike that is pending at press time – we can imagine it is a concern over at the bike manufacturer’s offices.

List of Approved UCI Frames and Forks

List of Non-Standard Wheels in Conformity

Hands On: DZNuts Bald Super Smooth Shaving Cream

Cyclists are known for their smooth legs. But sometimes the same old tools don’t quite cut it. Or should I say the same old tools such as men’s razor and standard shaving cream actually do cut. I won’t share a razor with my husband, but I do make sure he has a women’s razor at the start (and throughout) the season. The women’s razor glides around the muscles, tendons and knees on the legs that can be a danger zone for cuts.

Another tool that needs special selection is shaving cream. You can get away with a can of something foamy, but dznuts bald super smooth shaving cream gives you a much closer, smoother shave. I’ve been using it for a while now and I find that my legs are smooth and I shave a little less often these days. Of course, it’s winter. As the weather gets nicer and I go out for rides I’ll up the frequency of my shaves. Continue reading Hands On: DZNuts Bald Super Smooth Shaving Cream

Hands On: Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream

If you’ve spent any time on the saddle you know that the chamois padding in your shorts, no matter how good, leave a little protection to be desired. While I’m waiting for the cycling season to begin, I had use for chamois cream over the winter.

I spent some time on my spinning bike in the off season, and even a few minutes on the stationary bike can add up to what feels like hours on the trail. I made spinning a little more comfortable with Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream. The cream is made with shea butter, and says it’s a greaseless formula. Continue reading Hands On: Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream

League of American Bicyclists Calls for Solutions During National Bike Summit

This week is the League of American Bicyclists’ National Bike Summit taking place March 8-10 in Washington, D.C. as an effort to help the advancement of bicycling in our nation’s transportation and health agenda.

“Summit attendees will be reminding their representatives about the direct value of enhancements, safe routes, recreational trails and other Federally-funded projects,” said League President Andy Clarke. “More than 700 cycling advocates, supporters and industry executives are coming to D.C. to emphasize the importance of bicycling to new and current members of Congress. Bicycling offers an excellent return on Federal investment, in terms of jobs, economic growth, and a healthier America.”

Among those speaking this week will be Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), who has been instrumental in the Bike Summit’s 11 year history, as well as Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Robin Schepper, Executive Director of Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

League of American Bicyclists Official Website

Wind Tunnel Testing Not Just Full of Hot Air

Wind tunnels have long been a key research tool used in aerodynamic research, and is a way to study the effects of air moving past solid objects.  Among the most common uses has been for airplanes, although the first wind tunnels actually date back to the 18th century – long before man believed it possible to achieve flight. But without a wind tunnel the Wright brothers probably couldn’t have developed their first aeroplane.

Today computer models have begun to replicate much of what a wind tunnel can do, but despite this fact wind tunnels remain relevant tools for testing. This is notable in the fitness world with bicycles. In fact, according to some developers wind tunnel testing is actually becoming more and more important. Canadian bicycle manufacturer Cervélo has released its latest findings from tunnel testing of its latest line of bikes.

The company reportedly has 14 years of wind tunnel experience, and called in JT Lyons of to watch, document and input all of the testing procedures, which the company has since published online. According to these findings the Cervélo P4 is the fastest bike available – with or without its proprietary areo bottle. The study is interesting, and despite being somewhat detailed, certainly isn’t long winded in the least. P4 in the Tunnel

Urban Bikes Could See New Riders as Gas Prices Rise

2011 unfortunately looks like a replay of 2008 when gasoline prices hit an all time high in the United States. The cost to fill up the tank in the car resulted in many people looking to alternative options to get to work, to the store and just about everywhere else.

The bicycle manufacturers also listened and took note, and ironically are ready this time with a whole new segment of urban bicycles that are ready to get riders from point A to point B and just about anywhere else. Fortunately, too many cities are working to become more bicycle friendly. Continue reading Urban Bikes Could See New Riders as Gas Prices Rise

Bike Trailer for Urban Riders

Whether you’re a regular commuter or just need to use the bike to haul something every once in a while, there is the issue of how to do it. Whilst bike messengers have mastered the art of carrying large bulky items in a shoulder bag, the truth is that for most riders this is a recipe for disaster. A trip to the grocery store with bags slung over the handlebars can result in a trip to the emergency room or worse!

The best solution is a trailer. Our friends at have just written up a quick review of the Burley Travoy Urban Trailer System, which is the latest Travoy trailer system. It has a load capacity of 27.2kg (60 pounds), and is stable even when fully loaded, and well balanced off the bike.

The review does note that there isn’t a safety lease, which is a problem if it should become detached from the bike, and the hitch mounting only connects to the seatpost. These issues are minor for most riders, and we like the fact that it provides a good alternative to those who need more than a pocketful of items when they go for a ride.

[Via Burley Travoy Urban Trailer System Review]

400-Mile Bicycle Tour Along Historic Erie Canal

While it might just seem like much today, the Erie Canal was a true innovation in the early 19th century. Without it the “west” might not have opened up as soon as it did, and New York City might not have developed in the major seaport that it did. First proposed in 1807, the Erie Canal was constructed from 1817 to 1825 and officially opened on October 26, 1825. It was the first transportation system between the eastern seaboard and the Great Lakes that didn’t require draft animals. It also cut transportation costs to the American interior by 95 percent.

Cyclists will have the opportunity to appreciate the wonder of the canal in the 13th annual Cross-State Bicycle Tour that runs from July 10-17. Cycling the Erie Canal is an eight-day, 400-mile recreational bicycle tour from Buffalo to Albany along the legendary Erie Canal. Last year’s Cycling the Erie Canal drew 550 riders from 35 states. Over one-third of the riders were from New York State. Continue reading 400-Mile Bicycle Tour Along Historic Erie Canal