There is something to be said to turning water into wine, and a whole industry exists to do just that (with a little help from grapes and time), but Swedish fuel cell pioneers myFC has introduced the world’s first portable fuel cell charger that runs on just ordinary water. With PowerTrekk just add water and you’ll never run out power again, making this an excellent way to juice over your mobile devices when an outlet isn’t available. And best of all it something you can use when the sun isn’t shining.
Unlike solar chargers – which do need the sun – fuel cells recharge quickly, and there is no power degradation as there are typically with batteries. The result is a reusable device. Just add water!
A runner demonstrates Valencell's V-LINC ear-bud sensor technology. The medallion with connected ear buds wirelessly streams biometric data to a mobile device, such as an iPhone.
The Consumer Electronics Show is a hotbed of new and upcoming tech products, but there are also plenty of companies showcasing new technologies that may one day end up in a product at a future CES. One such company is Valencell, which is demonstrating its V-LINC health and fitness ear-bud sensor tech. Due to the nature of the ear, V-LINC’s technology “continuously measures more real-time biometric data, with higher accuracy, in virtually any environment, than any other health and fitness sensor technology on the market,” Valencell said.
“Studies show that 70 percent of regular exercisers wear audio headsets while exercising, and Valencell aspires to connect with that audience to make health and fitness more accessible through our earbud sensor technology,” said Valencell CEO and co-founder Steven LeBoeuf. “Companies will discover how they can turn audio headsets into health and fitness devices on multiple mobile platforms by integrating V-LINC.”
At CES, Valencell is demoing how the technology would work with various mobile platforms, including iOS and Android. Demonstrators wear an ear bud prototype that measures biometric data such as continuous heart rate; calories burned; cardiovascular fitness; metabolic rate; and distance and speed while using a treadmill, stationary bike, and in other activities. The data is then streamed to one of the platforms.
Valencell says V-LINC is compatible with regular headset manufacturing processes, so a headphone maker can easily license and implement the technology into its product.
The name NewWood probably sounds like it should be made from virgin lumber, but actually it is anything but. NewWood Manufacturing, located in Elma, Washington, has been in business for a year producing utility board created from post consumer wood waste, mixed with discard plastic bags. And while it has a number of uses, it will soon be the surface for skateboarders.
We’ve seen skate decks that have taken advantage of recycled materials, and even skate decks that have found life after they’re seen one too many spills. Now the 99.9 percent American made NewWood material, which is reportedly flexible, durable and all weather-resistant, will be used by OC Ramps as a skating surfaces – with plans to eventually use it on all surfaces. In the future we could even see old skateboard decks recycled with other wood and plastics to make NewWood surfaces! Video after the jump
Many people probably dismiss IBM as a company whose time has come and gone. While it was once the dominant player in PCs – and frankly were it not for IBM most of us wouldn’t be reading this statement right now. So while IBM gave way to Microsoft and Apple- not to mention Dell, HP and a dozen other companies – in the personal computer space, Big Blue continues to “Think.”
They “Think” about a lot of things, and recently the company noted in its 5 in 5 what the future could mean for fitness. IBM tracks five new trends that could be big in five years, and in The Next 5 in 5 is “Energy: People power will come to life.” Continue reading IBM 5 in 5 Says “People Power Will Come to Life”
We’ve heard about quite a few interesting Kickstarter projects, but the spnKiX could give skaters a kickstart and a lot more. Essentially these are motorized, battery-powered shoes that can allow the wearer to travel up to speeds of 10mph.
While not technically skates, and thus not exactly fitness products, these do offer a new method of making short trips as the motorized shoes can travel some two to three miles.
Much has been written about football helmets and whether enough is being done to stop the increasing number of concussions among players? Well, now that football season is winding down, attention is being turned to hockey, which has also seen an increase in the number of professional players suffering from hits to the heads.
It was noted recently that Bauer had released the 9900 Helmet for hockey this season, which is the first to utilize PORON XRD technology. This feature is designed to absorb maximum impact without adding stiff or constricting bulk to the helmet. Moreover this is helmet is actually 10 percent lighter than the 9500 model. But the question remains is it enough?
Some don’t think so, and this includes Danny Crossman, an Ottawa entrepreneur and British Army veteran, who served in Iraq, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. Crossman is now chief executive of Impackt Protective, and he’s working to develop a sensor that could be used on hockey helmets. Continue reading Does Hockey Need a Better Brain Bucket?
The chances of you ever having to face an avalanche are slim, but when you hit the slopes you should keep in mind that the risk of being buried by one is real. Survival times are also very limited, which makes rescue efforts even more critical especially when you are with few people. Experienced skiers and board riders who venture into avalanche backcountry are usually prepped in case they have to deal with an avalanche, such as a tracking beacon and shovel, and now they can add another safety tool: the Rotauf MRK5 Avalanche Marking Device. The module is small and can be integrated into your jacket or pants, unlike avalanche airbag systems that require a dedicated bag. Continue reading Small, Lightweight Rotauf MRK5 Helps Locate You Faster In Case of Avalanche
Setting sail on December 15th, the maiden voyage of the new British Iglucruise ship was promising to bring skiing to the Caribbean while sailing the open seas. Not water skiing, but a snow-like downhill skiing experience on a slope “situated on the top deck and…made with the innovative Perma-Snow all weather ski carpet and serviced by a button lift.” According to the itinerary, the cruise should now almost be complete. As many websites and blogs, including Yahoo, wrote of this new vacationing option for those wanting to cruise and ski , my curiosity was peaked and I too wanted to see photos and video of this new ship. Continue reading Ski at Sea: It’s on the Internet, It Must be True!
One of the new Kickstarter programs we’ve seen recently that got our attention was the light-weight camping hammock called Kammok. Designed to comfortably sleep one person, this hammock is made of incredibly strong yet very breathable diamond rip-stop nylon fabric called LunarWave. It is super soft, water resistant and only weighs around one pound, making it easy to bring along. Sleeping while hanging from the trees certainly could beat trying to sleep on the hard, cold ground. Video after the jump
Years ago, before the advent of clothes dryers, people would use clothesline to hang their laundry. No doubt in cities the clothing didn’t get all that clean considering the smoke and pollution in the air, and yet in China there seems to be new development that could bring back the clotheslines.
Chinese developers Mingce Long and Deyong Wu have created a new coating, one that combines titanium dioxide and nitrogen, which is applied to cotton clothing and when exposed to the sun can actually clean the clothes. The treatment can even stay intact after traditional washing and drying. Continue reading Sun Cleaned Clothing
There are plenty of rugged point and shoot digital cameras on the market, and these can survive in very harsh environments, but what if you need to bring along your digital SLR camera? These tend to need a little more protection. Fortunately a new Kickstarter project is working on the Cam Crate, a hardened case that will protect just about any full sized DSLR along with its lens.
The case is made out of a hard, molded plastic, while the inside features soft foam to ensure that the camera can survive those bumps in the roads and even a toss or two. The container features a water seal and latch, and reportedly floats. The Cam Crate is still in the development stage but it could be ideal for adventure travelers and those who want to bring their SLR into the wilds. Video after the jump
A long walk will get you where you need to go, and at the same time allow you to burn a few calories. But the rest of the process is just wasted energy that could be harnessed for something else. At least that’s the idea of the electrowetting process, where a liquid that is normally hydrophobic will be forced to move by applying an electric current.
This is now a concept being used in a pair of shoes but in reverse. By walking with special shoes that contain the special substance you could force the mixture over several electrodes and create a current while walking. This energy in turn could be stored on a battery for future use. Currently a team of engineers at the University of Wisconsin are looking into how to actually bring this from concept to an actual product – but in the future you could juice up your mobile phone simply by walking. Think of this as a way of walking and talking!
There is no denying that the skateboard came about when surfers put wheels on short boards to ride on land when the surf wasn’t up, and now some surfers from Huntington Beach, California are essentially reinventing it all over again with the Hamboard. What makes this one different is that it basically combines modern skateboards with a surfboard, resulting in what the creators called “a really big skateboard” or “basically an uber longboard or longboards.”
And the word from the creators is these boards, despite the length or possibly because of it, can carve and flow quite well. The surfers behind Hamboard have also noted that opinion has changed from those who simply to dismiss it to those who want to try it. So it could be the reinvention of sidewalk surfing all over again.