Head Light System

CheckLightReebok is introducing a new light for the head, but it isn’t one that allows the wearer to see where he/she is going. Rather the CheckLight is meant to determine if an athlete has taken an impact to the head. The light is mounted to a skull cap that can be worn beneath any type of traditional sports helmet or just on its own.

The cap contains a tri-axial accelerometer and a gyroscope, to measure linear and rotational acceleration, respectively, while a built-in microprocessor analyzes their output whenever an impact occurs. This can help coaches and athletes stay in check with what is happening following a potentially serious impact.

Reebok CheckLight Official Website

Cardboard Bike Goes Indie

cardboard-bikeThe Cardboard Bike, which we first reported on last year, came about as inventor Izhar Gafni looked to transform the way bikes are produced and used. Now the Israeli-inventor looks to get the project rolling via Indiegogo. He’s has lofty goals and is looking to raise some $2 million to bring out this affordable bike that is truly made of cardboard, yet is durable and even waterproof.

We wish him luck. Continue reading Cardboard Bike Goes Indie

Batter Up

ProXRBaseball has seen its fair of changes over the years. The sport is far more ethnically diverse than it was 100 years ago. The stadiums are more high tech, but the bats have mostly remained the same. However, ProXR looks to change that by making an ergonomic baseball that could be the biggest thing to improve hitting since steroids!

The ProXR Kickstarter project is now field testing its new baseball bat technology, which utilizes an ergonomic knob at the base. This provides a better grip and could just improve the swing. Video after the jump

Posted LED

Light-PostWe’ve seen many attempts to integrate a light system into a bike, and the Light-Post is certainly a novel idea. It is currently wrapping up a Kickstarter project and its creator, Andre Brown, hopes to bring out seat post with an LED bike light later this year. The Light-Post is features an li-ion battery along with the electronics and LED lights mounted inside the seat post, offering a sleek design and ensuring that the light isn’t forgotten. Video after the jump

Viks In

ViksWhen we think of countries and bikes we do think France and Italy, even Spain and Germany – and of course China (for good or bad). But not Estonia. However, designer Indrek Narusk is looking to put the Baltic nation on the map with his Viks cycles. These steel frames feature two mirror images that are connected only at the bottom bracket, seat tube and head tube. We’re not sure what this adds to the ride, but it certainly offers a unique design.

Viks Official Website

Smartass Idea

Ass-SaverThe guys at Ass Savers are most certainly smartasses. They created what they dubbed to be an Emergency Mudguard. This can truly save one from a wet ass after riding to work in the rain. These can connect beneath the set and catch the muddy, wet spray. The Ass Savers are even available in multiple ass-kicking colors. With this your ass is covered!

Ass Savers Official Website

See That S-Car Go

S-cargoIf necessity is the mother of invention than Israeli designer Ofir Yadan might be the crazy uncle. He’s created a unique solution that transforms a typical mountain bike in cargo-carrier tricycle.

The S-cargo bike basically works by removing the front wheel of a bike and replacing it with a special hauler that resembles a golf bag cart. This provides greater stability but also allows for a variety of items to be transported. The only downside in the current design is that the rider loses the use of a front brake but that’s a small price to pay for the ability to turn a bike into an S-cargo carrier. Video after the jump

Give Me Shelter… and Water to Drink

Kammok-GliderA rain tarp is ideal for keeping you dry while out in the wilds. But the KAMMOK Team, which is looking to Kickstarter to raise funds for its Kammok Glider Rain Tarp and Weather Relief Shelter, think it can do a little more.

The Glider features rainwater retention and heat reflective technology. What does this mean exactly? Well for one this tarp features patent-pending built-in rain retention technology that can actually collect rain water in both light and heavy rain conditions. This water is funneled to special bottles and thus can provide drinking water where it might not otherwise be available.

When it isn’t raining, the Glider can also be pitched with the reflective side facing the sky to help those underneath stay cool. Video after the jump

Rolling With It

FlexiskatesWhile rollerblades all but made skates a thing of the past, the roller skates actually live on. Now Tomas Leszczynski of New York is looking to Kickstarter to bring out his concept Flexiskates. Unlike other “roller skates” offer an a way for skaters to carve into turns as in alpine skiing, and this can provide the stability that roller skates offer with the speed of inline skates. Time to get skating. Video after the jump

Mist You

Q-FOGWhen out riding on a hot day sometimes a little spray from a lawn sprinkler is like a gift from the cycling gods. Now you don’t need to seek out such things, and even if you’re riding in the desert you can get some spray in the face.

This is the idea behind Q-FOG, a bike-mountable personal mister that is designed to keep riders cool. It developers – who are based in Israel and now something about hot weather – are currently looking for funding on Indiegogo. For those who ride in hot dry climates this can offer a refreshing blast right when you need it. Continue reading Mist You

Cardboard Bike Goes to Production

Cardboard-BikeA year ago Israeli engineer Izhar Gafni announced he had developed an easy to assemble, easy to recycle cardboard bike. Since that time we didn’t hear much, but now news is circulating that Cardboard Technologies is gearing up for production and has even released a few videos to show the progress.

It also looks like Gafni is getting ready to kickstart his efforts with a Kickstarter project. We’ll be watching this one closely. Video after the jump

Rolling and Stroller’ing

Longboard-StrollerWhat is a former skater to do when the stork brings a new bundle of joy? One option is to put a helmet on the young one and turn that longboard into a stroller. That’s the idea that Longboard Strollers seemed to have. While we’re not sure of the safety issues – and don’t recommend you try this in a half pipe, perhaps for those casual (and we do mean casual) rides on smooth pavement it could help the baby get used to life on board. Video after the jump

Banana Bike

BananaHamaIf you were a child of the 1970s or thereabouts you likely remember the “banana seat.” Now BananaHama is taking to Kickstarter to roll with its unique bike project. This Los Angeles area start up is looking to bring out a recumbent bike with a hammock like seat. The company promises that a ride on the bike is unlike any other, and we don’t doubt it. Video after the jump