Handlebar grips are a necessary accessory on every bike, but they can be difficult to put on. Grip tape wants to be wrapped just right, and then it can slip. Formed grips are extremely difficult to slide over the handlebars and into place. Kickstarter project GripRings by Spurcycle hopes to change that by providing modular silicone rings to be stacked to form grips on several types of handlebars.
GripRings stretch to easily go over the handlebars, then released to shrink into place. Once stacked to the desired side-by-side width, an expandable bar end is inserted and tightened with an allen key. This works for the straight handlebars of a mountain bike or curvy handlebars used on other types of bikes. The one example not shown, though it could probably work, is the rams head handlebars typically used on a road bike. On a mountain bike, the grips can easily allow space for shifters, brakes and bar ends.
Silicone allows for a rainbow of colors, and GripRings come in that range of colors. This allows for complete customization. You can match colors to your bike pretty closely, or use multiple colors to create a different look. Because the silicone rings are stretchable and easy to install, you can change the colors to match your outfit or mood.
Two brothers are the brains behind Spurcycle. The pair hopes to get further funding to create a website and place an initial order of 20,000 rings.