Boa Technology, you are our heroes this week! The company noted that Apple CEO Steve Jobs stopped in the middle of his talking points during a recent press conference to… gasp… tie his shoes. No big deal right? It happens to the best of us. But as Boa Technology noted in An Open Letter to Steve Jobs, “It struck us as downright appalling that the CEO of a company leading the charge towards the 22nd century would resort to First Century Technology to close his shoes.”
The company further noted that they sent Mr. Jobs a pair of shoes “that is true to Apple’s forward-looking culture” (their words, not ours as we’re far from Apple zealots at So what exactly makes the Boa Technology stand apart?
The company uses the Boa Lacing System, a closure system that forgoes typical cloth laces and instead uses an aircraft-grade stainless steel twisted lace. The company claims this is gram for gram, actually stronger than tank armor – so no more broken laces when you tie your shoes. And rather than doing the traditional knot, the Boa utilizes a dial-driven tightening mechanism that connects to the Boa Lace, and is tightened click-by-click.
So whether you’re in a long race, out for a training run or just speaking in front of thousands of people during a press conference you won’t have to worry about having to stop to tie your shoes. Now isn’t that more innovative than a tablet computer?